Ch 10: Heavy disturbance

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"Let's see how far that gets you then~" 

Karma couldn't help but laugh. That was the last of what he said before leaving with Nagisa, who also thought of it meaningless. What a let down, she truly doesn't know how to play her cards. Perhaps having family involved further narrowed her thinking. 

"You look even more dead than yesterday." Mika comments to the strawberry blonde as she chews on her onigiri, then looking over to the other class representative. "Wow, for Hashizume to be quiet like this.. The heck did you guys do there?"

"I am happy to serve."

"I am beyond overjoyed it's all over!" 

Both Ginka and Hashizume Kakeru respond at the same time. While said with full honestly, one doesn't appear so convincing. It's like their entire life force was sucked away. 

Kakeru decides to do the explaining, well, more on complaining while lightly slamming his fists continuously on the desk. "I can't with the other classes from Year 2 and 3! We never got anything done with them keep on disagreeing all the time!" 

The institutional heads were working on school events alongside the student council. They had their hands full this week. As class representatives, they were also required to take part in that particular meeting. Also the reason why Ginka has not confided to either her brother or father yet. She couldn't find it in her to bother them at such a busy time. But now with that all done, Gakushu promised to dine with her after school so at least there's some progress. 

"Oh? I assumed that things would be easy with Asano-kun in the lead." 

Ginka chuckles awkwardly with her hand on her nape, "Well, yeah. It's more like we were the dead weight."

"We had to ask around and make a report about the suggestions of our classmates and provide a documented proposal." Kakeru sighs, taking another bite from his bento. "And Seiun-chan here even slept through our docs that one time. She suddenly stopped typing out of nowhere!" 

"And I'm really sorry about that." The said person clasps her hands together in apology. She did make up for it by doing more work in the revision the following day.

"We should get going now. School assembly starts in a while." And so, all three of them pack their lunch boxes. 

Kakeru and Ginka calls the attention of everyone and leads them to the gymnasium where the monthly assembly is held. The place was about to get filled. It did became a problem since the strawberry blonde drew in too much attention from the entire middle school students present. 

And she finally got a close look from the infamous end class herself. 

Ginka could feel the goosebumps run down her spine. Perhaps it was a given with how even the school doesn't treat them as equals having sent to the mountains with a small building with poor facilities, but the animosity was far more insane than how the main campus students are with each other.

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