Ch 7: One of them

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Third person point of view 

["How grand. I can see where our school funds are well spent on."] Ginka jokes upon arriving the student council private lounge. And two other students currently present aren't even part of the student council. ["This is abuse of authority."]

"Nonsense. This is the fruit of our labor during school festivities." 

"Asano-kun!" The minions immediately line up to him. One of them moves to his side after greeting, face to face with Ginka. 

"It's the infamous Sei-chan~" She could sense the playboy a mile away, suddenly closing their distance by running his fingers through her hair. "Sakakibara Ren. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Ginka could only laugh awkwardly, but really wanting to strike him in the face. To think that he violates girls personal space like this. The audacity, she could only mutter to herself. 

Must not break character, she takes a deep breath in. 

So her brother does her justice in her stead, "O-O-Ow! I'm sorry!" 

He pressed down on the pressure points of his hands upon grasping them, "There are limits with how rude one can be." 

And Gakushu's smile further scared him off. 

"Anyway, it's nice meeting you." The one with dark green hair intervenes to ease the tension, "I'm Araki Teppei. To think that we'd be graced with a presence such as yourself. I feel very honored." 

["Oh my, you sure know your way with words."] He sighs in relief to see a positive mood change. ["Surely befitting your reputation as broadcasting president. I'd like to let you know I'm not too eager in answering press questions out of work hours though."] 

Ginka got assured that he didn't mean that way, or rather won't go too far the very least. The last to introduce themselves were Natsuhiko Koyama and Tomoya Seo. All six of them settled down to eat lunch which Gakushu ordered beforehand. They then continue talking further.

"How are you adjusting so far? We heard you were homeschooled since your trainee days. It must be hard." Despite that smile on Natsuhiko's face, she felt an aura of hostility. Something she recognizes quite well. 

He was looking down on her. 

It was subtle, but wasn't just him. All four of them. 

If this is already the kind of animosity she experiences as a B Class student, whose excellence is only second to A Class.. what more of the lower classes?

Then again, this is a school that judges your worth based on academic performance. And they are the ones on top leading the student body to think that way.

The thought only irked her even more. 

["Thank you. I'm doing quite well, actually. My classmates are very welcoming and teachers are good at what they do."] Ginka beams with full of fighting spirit. Of course, she isn't gonna take a slap on the face. Her eyes softens with a saddened expression, [" But I do find your complexions quite concerning. How difficult is it in Class A, I wonder? The pace must too much for you."]

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