Ch 2: I will be stronger

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Third person's point of view 

"Now that's a total misconception." He already made it clear that there is no such thing in their family. Seems like she's mistaking the fact that he's loved just because he's the favored one for having same principles as them.

Gakushu never understood why his sister obsessed over their parent's attention. They have definitely suffered under the same abuse, and yet have completely different thoughts of approaching the matter. 

He could feel nothing but want to put them in their rightful place, one that bows to his feet. It has nothing to do with revenge. This was the way he was raised to be and even the parents expect him to do so. Something that would be brought unto themselves as a result of their teachings.

But Ginka did not share the same goal. Maybe it was because she had not actually grew up in that house but only rarely visited, as if it were just a vacation place. She had different battles to face. 

Or maybe the twins were just simply meant to be different. 

"We have arrived, young masters." The driver have pulled over to their house. He slides the door open and bows, as the twins gave him their thanks before heading inside. They are also greeted by their house keeper but not any of the parents in sight. 

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening so their father has definitely arrived by now. Gakushu carries Ginka's luggage up the stairs which he got teased for being such a sweetheart. Of course, there would be no end if he were to be fazed by such comments. He was way pass the age of being shy and going tsundere on her which she now found so nostalgic. 

Gakushu opens the door to her room and sets her luggage to the side. It feels so surreal, Ginka thought. She hasn't actually set foot here in years, almost forgetting what it looked like. A typical fairy core aesthetic. Flowers, vines, butterflies. There were trinkets and crystals by the window where she could stare at while seated on the couch against it. Crocheted items of the same theme could be seen on the walls or on the bed. Looks majestic as ever.

"I'm really grateful," For keeping this place full of life. It was most likely maintained under Gakushu's orders. She hasn't been around for so long, after all. An idol does have a demanding workload, even during her trainee days. 

Ginka had this nature that refuses to see her parents no matter how much she longs so, if she is unable to present promising results. As if she wasn't given any breaks enough, she would rarely use them when gotten the chance. She would deem herself unworthy to do so, given what kind of expectations they project on her. So the number of times she actually came to visit within six years could only be counted with her fingers. 

"Isn't it beautiful?" She could only nod, mesmerized by the sight. "So come home more often or this would turn into a spider's den." Not much surprise there considering how unoccupied it is. 

"Surely, you won't allow that, would you?" She playfully glares. 

"There are limitations to my patience, you see." Though that was a joke. 

"Pity." Ginka wouldn't argue at this point. It must be such a bother being so consistent having the room clean. It's normally not entered until enough dust has been collected. 

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