Ch 4: Better or worse

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Third person's point of view

"It's Sei-chan in the flash!" 

"Oh my god, I'm definitely not seeing things right!?" 

Karma recovered from his state of awe, alerting himself from the current surroundings. He felt Ginka's hand shake behind his back, while the other now rested on the ground still holding him in the same position he landed. Her gaze drifts from the crowd who are now trying to confirm the person in front of them then towards her beanie a few feet away on the floor. 

It was very apparent how horrified she is. And yet, she doesn't choose to let go in consideration of probably recovering from the fall.. even when she had caught him safely. 

Judging by how everyone was reacting, she must be someone who's a really big deal. Karma was unsure if he was fast enough in draping his blazer over her head before people started taking photos with their phones. 


So they do together. She immediately snaps back to reality and reacts to his words which confirmed that she isn't actually deaf. Perhaps she couldn't talk, or rather refuses to, he thought. 

The suspicious choice of action validated the exact thoughts of the people and attempted following them immediately. However, the staff immediately intervened and they were no longer in sight.

News travel fast. The moment her location was speculated, some eyes of those adults and teens wandered around as if looking for something, or rather, someone. After all, how rare of an opportunity it is to come across a famed idol in any normal day. 

Karma pulled her arm upon spotting the near fire exit. No one seemed to be looking when he shoved her there before following when the coast was clear. "What's your floor? I'll take you there."

Ginka's blanking out. Maybe it was the adrenaline that allowed her to respond quickly but now has run out, panicking silently. Was being exposed in public like that worth being so worked up about? It's not like she did anything wrong. She didn't seem involved in a scandal given the positive looks on the faces of people that surrounded them. 

Ah, so she's worried that their very interaction would cause the scandal. The redhead could only speculate that she's a celebrity with strict dating image and this would be bad for her reputation. 

"Hey." Karma tries calling out again. Even waving his hand or snapping his fingers didn't seem to work. She's too deep in her head. "Excuse me, then." He takes both of Ginka's hands and both placed them together. "You asked for it." Then slaps the back of her hands with his palms. 

"O-Ow!" And that's when she came back to him. Her nerves faded after taken by surprise, "Huh?" Even she was confused how that worked. 

"You could do something like that to calm down. Sucks that it's not something you could do by yourself." He gives off an assured smile, "Anyway, I understand you're concerned but let's focus on the situation at hand. Let's see how far they know to see before taking action." It would be wise to avoid her room if they had figured out where she's staying. Some people go full FBI on people they like, after all. 

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