Ch 1: Kotatsu enthusiast

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Third person's point of view 

"It seems that there is no escaping you now, is there?" Ginka sighs after failing so badly trying to surprise her brother upon her arrival. "To think that I am the one left tongue-tied by such sight. I heard that this restaurant must be booked weeks in advance before actually getting the date you hope for."

Gakushu keeps in touch with a lot of high ranking individuals that made him aware of almost all the happenings in society. He was most likely informed of his sister's return despite no official date was announced. Thus, it wasn't difficult for him to arrange a private room.

"I wouldn't be quite the gentleman if I just allowed you to settle for less now, no?" Gakushu raises his glass and clinks it with Ginka's, "I must train you to be accustomed to luxury so I would never be introduced to some lowly peasant as your future partner."

"Ah, the way you have always described others is so rude when they cannot meet your ridiculous expectations." 

"If the shoe fits, I cannot see why not." 

Ginka pops a vein as she roughly presses her fork on the steak with an innocent smile, "And this is why no lady wishes to be your girlfriend." 

"What utter nonsense. I have such flocking over me everywhere." His smug face could only make her stare at him in disappointment, "There has just yet to be a girl that meet my standards." 

"I wonder what kind of superficial thing you have in mind. It must be very far from reality." 

"Unlike you, I can actually face it really well." He really hit a nerve there. How little were there times that she had ever won their banters. "Your schedule for surgery is already in two days, correct?"

"Yes, I do wish to see mother and father before that though."

"Must you, really? You know how they are." Gakushu scoffs. There she goes again, he thought. It's already come to the point that it's ridiculous. "Nothing you do is reciprocated nor even appreciated. You should make better use of your time than keep chasing them." 

"It is because they are hurting that they act the way they do. I understand that very well so I try not to take their words to heart." A smile full of hope, it's almost surreal in a way. "They both seem to have an obsession about the idea of being strong. I ought just to prove that there is more meaning to live than that."

"By allowing them walk over your entire existence? That didn't seem to work all these years."

"My dear twin, have you only invited me for luncheon to ridicule my life choices?" She playfully points her steak knife at him, "Pain has strayed our parents on the wrong path. How could it be wrong of me to help them through that?"

"Do I even have to remind you that fixing other people is not part of your job description? They don't even want it."

"It is simply a greatest desire of mine. I will trust that my love will reach them and perhaps things may be different." 

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