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- old bone : wet -
"your friends are greedy,
they all want something from me"

- old bone : wet -"your friends are greedy, they all want something from me"

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dulcie is fresh meat at the sanctuary. just as i was when i arrived. except she's fit right in. the saviours all love her, and she's befriended isabelle too. she started work in the kitchens as soon as the doc cleared her upon arrival, making soup in bulk and peeling potatoes, that sort of thing.

and she's pretty. the kind of pretty that doesn't go out of style. and i know that negan noticed it too.

i sit alone at lunch, watching her serve food from the kitchen window. her smile is so warming, she has a genuinely welcoming demeaner. something i've never been able to master.

i finish my banana and carry my tray to the trash. then i hear my name being called across the room.

"billie, hey!" it's her. she's beaming at me, waving at me so frantically it feels like she's trying to attract the attention of someone a mile away.

i sigh and make my way towards her.

"oh sorry, i didn't see you from over there" i lie through my teeth.

"hey that's okay!" she removes her kitchen apron and places it under the counter, "i'll be back in 5 boss!" she shouts over her shoulder at her coworker, and then comes to stand with me.

"i wanted to thank you for the other night. negan told me he would have run me down if you hadn't spotted me in that road."

"wait, you've been speaking to negan?" i jump in. i hadn't seen him in a few days. he's been busy, i was told by simon.

she looked confused, "uh yeah, he's been checking in on me since i arrived."


"anyway, thanks again. and if you ever have a minute, i'd love to hang out!"

"i'm pretty busy at the moment sorry" i mutter.

i move to leave the conversation. she reaches out and holds my arm. "well i have a bottle of rum to get through, i thought-"

that heightens my interest. i cut her off.

"i can do tonight?"

"tonight it is!"
she smiles, and i shoot her one back, "my room? half eight?".

i nod yes, and then she says she has to get back to work. i tell her i'm excited for this evening.

i was starting to think that negan wasn't even here, maybe he was called out on an urgent mission. a run for supplies, or to clear a herd nearby.
but what dulcie said has proved me wrong. has he been avoiding me?

i decide i have to keep my mind occupied until tonight, when i can find out more about this.

luckily i've got work to get back to today.

third floor, corridor B, room 306; dwight's. i give the door a knock. there's no response, so i turn the handle and step inside.

his room is always rather tidy. i never have much to do in here; but today that's not the case. his bed lies unmade and there are clothes strewn across the floor. papers are stacked up messily like towers on his tabletop.

"billie." dwight appears in the open doorway.

i flinch in shock at the sound of his voice, before nodding at him, slightly awkwardly. we're not well acquainted.

"i can come back later if you need the space?" i offer him.

"no. you can work around me." he insists.

he steps into the room and heads towards the armchair sat in the far corner. he sits, and he stays there. silent, whilst i work around him like he wanted.

after filling my laundry basket with his clothes, straightening his bed sheets, sweeping the floor and wiping down the bathroom, i whisk past his table. i knock my hip on the corner and pages fly onto the floor.

"fuck" i curse under my breath.

i drop to my knees and begin to scrape up the paper. i'm nearly finished when a beautiful drawing catches my eye. it looks like a portrait. i pick it up and hold it to the dim ceiling light.

if i squint a bit, it looks like ... me.

"what are you doing?"

the voice startles me. dwight marches towards me and snatches the sketch straight out of my hands.

"that doesn't belong to you." he speaks, suspiciously calm.

"sorry i - i'm going now sorry" i stumble over my words. standing and darting towards the room's exit.

"billie" he sighs, holding the page tight in his grasp "it doesn't mean anything".

"yeah, no no, i know that" i stutter.

he glides and blocks my exit with his body. i take a step backwards, desperate to keep space between us both. dwight makes me uneasy.

"did you not hear me the last time i warned you about negan?" he questions me.

i did. he told me negan was bad news, i remember. and i know there's truth in it, but i also know how good he's been to me.

"yeah, i heard you dwight"
i mutter back to him, unable to maintain eye contact. he's glaring at me and i can feel it.
"please move, i need to get-"

he slams his hand to my shoulder, holding me back.

"billie. you're just a game to him, there have been others like you. he's spoon-feeding you complete bullshit and you're lapping it up."

"let me go dwight." i order.

he doesn't move.

"i'm going to count to 3. and then i am going to scream so loud that even the walkers will come running."

defeated, he drops his arm from my body and steps to one side, allowing me to pass through the exit. i pick up my laundry basket and make my escape.

that, was fucking horrid.

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