Chapter 33

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"Harry?... What- what are you doing here?" I ask, trying to mask the surprise in my voice.

"Well I came here with a friend, what are you guys doing here?" Harry says as he smiles widely.

"How convenient." I hear Luke whisper under his breath.

"What was that?" Harry asked, trying to still look happy.

"I said how convenient, why don't you guys join us for dinner." Luke says, having to practically force every word out.

"Well I'm sure you and your friend are-" before I could finish Harry cut me off.

"We'd be happy to! I'll go grab her." Harry says as he runs over to a table with a beautiful blonde. "This is Missy." Missy had long blonde hair with bright blue eyes. She was the like the girl version of Luke.

"Hello Missy, I'm Lynn." I say as I give her a polite smile.

"I'm Luke." Luke says, not returning her smile. I could tell he was angry because his ears were turning red, they tend to do that when he's mad.

"So are you and Harry together?" I ask, taking a sip of my water.

"Well I-" Before she could finish Harry interrupted.

"No... well it's complicated..." Harry says as he looks awkwardly at, the now shocked, Missy.

"It's complicated!?" Missy imitates. "You told me this was a date!"

"Well... um... uh.." Harry nervously looked to Luke who had his Devils smile on.

"It is a date. Why Harry couldn't stop talking about how excited he was to go with you tonight." Luke says as he watches Harry's mouth drop. "Isn't that right Harry?"

"...Yes..." Harry agreed as his smile disappeared and his eyes met with mine. I quickly looked down at my lap, knowing quite well what his look could make me do.

"Well! I think we should we should leave you two to it!" Luke says as he stands and grabs his coat off the back of the seat.

"Leave? But we just got here." I say as I lift the menu up to show him.

"Yes well now Harry and his date are here and we don't want to bother him, and I have a better idea anyways." Luke sends me a wink that only I see. "Well, Harry, I'll see you later."

"Yeah..." Harry sighs and returns Luke's hug. I wave to Harry and Missy as we leave the restaurant.

"Why didn't you just tell them to go back to their table?" I ask as I pull my coat tighter because of the cold.

"Because Harry likes you and would do anything to gain your attention." Luke says, keeping his head forward as we walk. I smile at his reply, he was jealous.

"Well what is your 'better' plan then?" I ask as I intwine my hand into his.

"You'll see." He says as he waves a taxi down. We step inside the newer taxi and Luke hands the driver a piece of paper. The driver smiles and begins to nod.


We have been driving for twenty minutes when Luke pulls out a blind fold. He turns to me and smiles as he holds it up.

"Kinky." I say as he wraps it around my eyes.

"Now no peeking, okay?" Luke demands and I nod. I feel the taxi come to a stop then the door to my right opens then the left. Luke grabs ahold of my arm and leads me out of the taxi. We laugh as I almost fall trying to step out.

Once I am out he leads me to wherever this "better place" is. After about five minutes he stops me and pulls the blind fold off. My mouth drops as I see a picnic blanket with candles and a basket full of food.

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal as I jump into his arms.

"I'm glad you like it." He says as he kiss my cheek. We walk over to the blanket and sit down. The basket is full of all my favorite foods and snacks. I can't help but smile the whole time we eat and talk. This was the happiest I've been for a long time.


I know I usually end with a phrase or a name but I couldn't think of one so there isn't one!

Anyways I hope you liked the chapter! I didn't re-read it so there might be errors, laziness at its finest!

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