Chapter 35

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My aunts was fun but I couldn't help but think about Luke. I missed him so much and I couldn't wait to have him hold me again. We've only been apart for a day but it felt like forever. I wonder how hard it's gonna be in a couple weeks when we have to go to college. At least we have those weeks to prepare ourselves.

When we get home I practically leap out of the car and run inside. Once I open the door I made a run for the stairs. I got to the top then ran to Luke's door and opened it. He wasn't there, maybe he was downstairs. I ran downstairs and into the living room then kitchen.

"Mom, where's Luke?" I ask as I breath heavily from running around looking for him.

"I don't know, maybe he's out with friends." She said as she opened the fridge and grabbed some lemonade.

"You guys are home!" Mr. Hemmings said as he walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Hemmings, do you know where Luke is?" I ask and I can feel my heart racing just thinking of him.

"Mmm... I need to talk to you two. Now." He said as he clenched his jaw and sat down. What was wrong? Did something happen to Luke? Mr. Hemmings took a breath and I could see he was trying to hold back tears. Oh God, Luke's dead.

"Well out with it!" I almost yell into his face as I grip the end of the counter.

"Luke's gone. He left to live with his mother in Australia, he left me a note saying that he had to go to protect the family name." Each word that escaped from his mouth felt like a dagger stabbing me in the heart. I was out of words, why would Luke just up and leave? Mr. Hemmings must be lying, Luke would never of left without saying goodbye.

"You're lying." I mumble as a tears escape my eyes.

"I'm afraid not Lynn..." He sighed and placed his hands on his face. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening, how can something so perfect change so quickly? I felt my mothers arm wrap around me and before she could pull me to her I escaped and ran to the stairs.

Once I reached the top I walked into Luke's room. When I was in here before I didn't notice that most of his stuff was gone. I walked over to his bed and sat down. Tears began to overflow my eyes as I looked around. We had so many memories in this room. I grabbed his pillow and squeezed it as his smell reached my nose. I look over to his side table and see a piece of paper. I reached over, opened it and read:

"I'm sorry"

I quickly crumbled it up and threw it to the ground. That was all he wanted to say to me as a goodbye? Who does that to someone who loves them? I wanted to scream at him for leaving me alone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number. As I listened to it ring I heard a familiar song come from behind me, he left his phone here. I screamed and threw my phone to the ground, breaking it. More tears came as I ran out of his room and into mine. I laid on my bed and cried for hours with no end.


It was eleven at night when I finally sit up from my bed and take a deep breath. Tears still fell down my cheeks but less than before. I looked around my room and my eyes stop at a familiar sight, the hidden door. I stand up and walk over to it. Hesitantly I open it and step inside, grabbing the flash light next to the door so I can see. When I turn it on I see a chair and another note on it. At first I just stood and stared at it wondering if I should even open it. After thinking for far too long I open it and read:

"Dear Lynn,

I want you to know that you weren't the reason I left. It was me, I am the reason I decided to leave. I've made so many bad decisions here that I just had to leave. I'm sorry that I couldn't say goodbye to you in person.

I need you to do something for me though. I need you to stop loving me as soon as you can, because I'm never coming back. Please, I'm not worth waiting for. Find someone who makes good choices and loves you more than I did.
I could feel my heart break as I kept reading the last line over and over again.

"Find someone who makes good choices and loves you more than I did."

Does that mean he doesn't love me anymore? Just yesterday he was talking to me as if he did. Maybe he was just acting so he could get me to leave and then he could just ditch me. I clenched my fists with anger as I thought about how stupid I was. Why did I ever think he actually loved me? He always acted as if he loved me more than anything, but obviously he doesn't and never did.

As I stood, holding the note in my hand, I looked around the secret hallway one more time. Once I left I would never go in here again. Before I exited I stopped and threw the note back into the hallway. As I shut the door my mom knocked on my real door.

"Lynn?" She said as she opened the door. "There is someone here to see you."

"Who-" Before I could finish Harry walked in. He stepped inside and my mom shut the door. What was he doing here? I looked down so he wouldn't see my tear stained cheeks.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him and couldn't help but let the tears fall. He pulled me to his chest and let me stain his shirt.

"He left... He just left me alone." I cry as I wrap my arms around him.

"You're not alone, Lynn, you'll never be alone as long as I can help it." He said as little sniffles escaped his nose, was he crying too? I didn't want to look so I just kept my head against his chest.

"Why are you here? I-I don't mean to sound rude..." I sniff as I pull away and see his wet cheeks.

"Luke called me and told me he left, so I wanted to make sure you were okay..." He said and I think he was embarrassed. I smiled at him and for a moment I forgot about my heart ache. Maybe Harry was that person that would treat me better. The thought made me gasp, how could I think about moving on so quickly.

"If you want me to leave I can.."

"No... stay. Please."


Soooo that's the end.... I liked the ending but I feel like you won't like it lol! So I'm sorry!! But you have to know that no matter what they couldn't of ended up together :/ so hopefully that makes this better haha!

I will be writing more stuff so if you want to read it then you should follow me! :)

Love You!!!

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