Heart and Soul

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Karene's POV
(Karene's dress^. song of the chapter: Heart and Soul by Twin Atlantic)

Harrison was sitting in the cold, grey interrogation room. His hair still standing on top of his head, his head flickered up as I walked in. I sat down across the room from him in a metal chair. The bulletproof glass, mirroring my image, not showing the pain held within me.

"More interrogating?" He said, his face swollen from the blows I gave to his face. His lips chapped, looking like we haven't taken care of him.

"Not unless you have anything else you would like to say." I said not looking at him in they eyes. Because his eyes brought memories, and memories brought pain. I couldn't take anymore of him sitting in the same building as me and he not knowing who I am.

"What's your story?" He said. I could feel his eyes looking me up and down. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"I'd rather not." I said getting up out of the cold metal chair.

"Crying isn't a sign of weakness. It's a sign of having tried too hard to be strong for too long." I stopped in my tracks and turned around and looked right into his blue eyes.

"Wise words for a man who is going to die soon."

"Death doesn't scare me."

"Good, because then you can get a kick out of it."

"I'm surprised Agent Conall is into you, I mean you shutting people out. Your like curtains, not letting anyone know what goes on inside." He said while looking down at his feet.

"Trust isn't something that I hand out lightly, I learned that after being lied to for too long." I closed the door too his holding cell to find Parker with a concerned look on his face. He enfolded me into his arms, not letting me go. He kissed my forehead and put my face into his hands.

"I don't think I have ever seen you cry." He kissed my lips and wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't have time to mourn after what could have been and what I wish would have happened." I walked too my room, Parker sat on my bed as I cleaned up the clothes scattered on the floor. He scrolled through a series of pictures on his phone his friends from college had sent him.

College, we both graduated and are now protecting what we love. But for some reason there was still an emptiness left inside me. Something that couldn't be filled. It was a God-sized hole, only being able to be filled by his unconditional love. Right now, love is just a four letter word I never learned about.

I mean there's Parker, I love him. But the fear of never being able to have a strong relationship hurts me, it's something that tugs on my heart. Emotions can't take over my job because I see people die everyday.

You can't stop emotions, or love, not with a bullet or with a knife. Creativity can only die when you chose to stop your brain, when you chose to stop seeing things. Death, and oblivion is inevitable, but should we fear it?

"Karene. Come here." Parker motioned me to sit by him, my heart feeling heavy. The feeling of the world sitting on my shoulders. I sat next to him, his arms wrapped around me. "Cry. Let it go, breathe, take in the oxygen around you."

I curdled up into him and I felt hot tear roll down my face. The thoughts of being betrayed by Harrison, realizing no one knows where I am. My family, wasn't my family. All I had was Parker, he was my true family. Sure I had my dad, but he would just run off and do what he does best. Parker was the only one who stayed, the only one who seemed to care.

I looked up at him, a smile came on my face as I leaned in and kissed him. I pulled back and gazed into his beautiful blue eyes. "Better?" He said with a smile on his face.

"Of course. You make everything better."

"You only had one tear escape you."

"Any more and we would all drown." I said as he moved a piece of hair out of my face, tucking it behind my thick black headband. We stood up and decided to go have dinner somewhere fancy in some big city.

I changed into a black dress and black shoes. As I exited my room I was welcomed by Landon, his hair all messed up, his shirt was non-existent. "Well don't you look lovely." I said jokingly.

"Save it." He walked into his room and a giggle was heard as he opened the door. Two voices were talking and then they stopped. I proceeded to the meeting room where you could see Harrison but he couldn't see you. He was being transported to CIA Head Quarters tomorrow.

The urge to tell him who I was and laugh in his face was stronger. "I think you have done enough to him, the General wants him in one piece." Parker said walking up to me. "You ready?"

I nodded my head, we got into the black Escalade. Relief came over me as the sound of tiers rolling across the road took over. Parker turned on the radio, I looked out the window thinking about California. Leaving my adopted family, leaving my only support. The pictures of the little princesses back with my aunt and uncle warmed me up.

Parker pulled into the valet parking, a man with dark brown hair and a clean face took the keys and drove the car off. Parker took my hand as we walked into one of the fanciest restaurants I had ever seen.

Women in white dresses, blue dresses, dresses of all shapes and sizes, heels of proportions you couldn't imagine. "Mr. And Mrs. Hemsworth." That cheeky little child, he looked at me and smiled, while we were escorted to our table I looked around at the beautiful chandlers. We were sat at a small booth in the back.

"So Mrs. Hemsworth, what looks good to you?" I looked up from my menu and a smile was plastered all over his beautiful face.

"The rigatoni pasta with the meatballs looks amazing."

"I love that you don't eat salad on a date."

"That's a starter, not a meal. I couldn't just eat a salad, because then I would eat all of your food. I'm pretty sure you don't want that happening, am I right?" I said while smiling.

"Mmm your right I guess. You know me too well."

"Actually something has been picking my brain since our encounter at college. What did you mean by people run away from you?" He sat there thinking for a minuet, you could see wheels spinning in his head.

"My mother left my father, brother, and I when I was 8. She said she couldn't handle us boys, so she left. My brother walked out of my life, he was 10 years older so I couldn't stop him. He left when I was 9, haven't hear from him since. My father left Arkansas when I got into college and all I know is he lives somewhere in Canada with a Canadian model."

"That's harsh, but I'm surprised your not more jacked up." He chuckled as I tried to be a comedic relief.

"Who cares about them because I have you. As long as you don't leave, all will be well with Parker Daniel Hemsworth."

"Daniel, that's your middle name. 'God is my judge.'"

"I'm so biblical."

"Well our third encounter was at church." I said remembering when I thought his cousin was his girlfriend.

"I'm only into the holy women." He said with a smile.

"Like ones with bullet wounds in them?"

"Oh dear Karene, no." We both chuckled as our food was served. The conversation went to a minimum, mostly about newer guns and the next few months and the new mission.

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