Soccer games.

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Karene's POV

I ran to soccer warm-up, praying that we would win the game. Warm-up went well, except Yvonne was still a no show. Bella was on the side lines cheering, and Parker was watching in the stands.

The game started and I was playing forward, the ball shot forward and Lilly ran after it, she passed it forward and I shot and missed by a few inches. The goalie goal kicked it, and our mid field stopped it and passed it up, we got it and it ended up at my feet, i ran forward leaving everyone in the dust and it was just me and the goalie. I kicked the ball to the left side of the goal, and it skimmed the pole and shot right into the net.

All the forwards ran up and high five me and hugged me. The rest of the game went like this, we were creaming Oklahoma University.

Last Whistle

The last whistle was blown and the game ended with a score of 9-1, we of course won. The team ran off the field and we did our cheer with the cheerleaders and we ran back on to congratulate the other team. I grabbed my water bottle and stated walking to the locker room when Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. "Hey Steel."

"Girl, you real sweaty."

"Real girls sweat, what can I say. Being so good, is so hard."

"Whatever Barbie. See you later." He started walking away and turned around and blew me a kiss, i pretended to through up, he yelled across the field, "You love me though!!"

I replied with another barf face and yelled back, "You wish Steel, how could I love you when everyone hates Steel?"
I heard him laugh and I walked into the locker room. I changed out of my uniform and handed it to Kelsey. She was kicked off the team because she took enhancement drugs, so to let her still work with the team, she gets to wash our towels and jerseys. Oh and air freshen our lockers, worst job ever.

I walked out of the stadium into the crisp night air and walked to my car and drove to the dorm. When I got back to the dorm I found a note on my bed which read;

"Nice game today Karene, I was going to say 'hi' but I saw you were talking to another dude.
Maybe we can grab a coffee on Monday? Text me.

Yvonne was asleep, that girl was fast at getting back, Bella was asleep too. And Faith was probably with her boyfriend.

I got into pj's and turned on my laptop and watched YouTube videos and when it was nearly impossible to keep my eyes open I turned my laptop off and fell asleep.

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