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Karene's POV

"Lilly can you zip up the back of my dress, I can't get it."

"Karene, how did you manage to get this?"

"It was my cousins prom dress."

My red dress flowed on the floor like ocean waves. I was wearing white lace TOMS with blue Nike socks and a silver necklace. Lilly was wearing a beautiful purple dress that was strapless like mine. She was wearing silver high-heals and a gorgeous diamond necklace Tobias bought her. We were at my house getting ready for prom. Lilly was like my best friend. Sarcastic, but hilarious. "Karene does my hair look okay?"

"Lilly your hair looks beautiful."


"Karene and Lilly your dates are here!"

"Thanks Mama!" We both walked down the stairs and saw our boyfriends.

"Karene, you look gorgeous!"

"Thanks Harrison."

"Karene and Harrison, picture!" We walked outside and stood in my backyard with the veiw of the ocean in the back. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. We smiled. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"You guys are so cute!"

"Haha thanks Lilly!"

"Time to go!" We walked outside to the front and I kissed my mama. Harrison opened my door and we drove to the school. We drove around and finally was able to park.

"Ready beautiful?"

"Yep what about you handsome?" He kissed me on the cheek and got out and opened my door. We walked up to the front of the school.

"Hey Karene."

"Wow Karene."

"Tickets please." We walked in. I felt like there were more kids at school than normally on a school day. Harrison and I talked with a Ashly and Jason, she was wearing a laced white dress and sliver high heals. Slow song.

"Miss. McQueen can I have this dance?" He put his hand around my waist and puled me close. He kissed the top of my head. His cologne smell filling my nose.



"Thanks." He held looked at me and held my face in his hands.

"For what?"

"Being you, and loving me for me." He leaned in, smiled, and kissed my lips. His lips were warm on mine. He stood there for a minuet, and then pulled back and kissed my forehead. I smiled.

"Attention everyone!" The principal yelled into the microphone.

"Doesn't she realize she doesn't have to yell in a microphone?" He laughed.

"Apparently not."

"We are announcing prom king and queen. We have had votes tolled in and we have concluded. Can we have a drum role please. Carley and Louis please come to the stage"

Harrison's mouth dropped.

"What?" She walked on stage in a little black dress with her hair all beauty queen style. Louis, when did they become a thing. Last thing I remember he was talking about how fun it would be to bang me. In the locker room. Ashton told me.

"Hey, I want to thank myself for being a little hottie!" Carley screamed into the microphone. Wow. Louis just stood there, in astonishment. They walked off the stage. David, Makenna, Ashley, Jason, Lilly, Tobias, Harrison and I all stood around and danced and talked about the summer.

2 hours passed by.

"Karene what do you want to do after prom?"

"How about we watch a movie at my place?"

"Cool, Le go!" We walked out of the school. Got in his car and drove to my house.

"Hey cuties!"

"Hi mama!"

"What are y'all gonna do with the rest of your night?"

"We were thinking we could watch a movie."

"Sounds good." We walked inside.

"Ima go change, I will be right back."

"Cool I'm going to go grab some clothes from my house."

I ran upstairs into my room.

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