Parker vs. Project 7674

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Parker's POV

(Karene's Father. Song of the chapter: Skyfall by Adele)

I was in the woods. Alone, in the woods, I had followed a car that was in my driveway. I hadn't gotten a glimpse of the person, but the car lurked there all day. It eventually drove away, the Black Escalade drove off. I ran down the stair and grabbed my keys and followed the car.

And now I am here. Alone. Alone in the woods. My breath stained the air as it hugged my body with its piercing cold winds. I walked through the heavy wooded area, snap. It was so distinct that in an instant I turned t find a man dressed in black. He had a gun in hand and he pointed it at me as he walked towards me.

"Parker James Hemsworth if you move I will have to kill you, one shot to the head would do the trick. If you chose to not move and listen to me and promise not to run, I will put the gun away so we can talk like civilized people. It's your choice."

"I will listen." He put the gun into his pocket and took his sun glasses off, he probably couldn't see a thing, being that it was getting dark. He motioned toward his car. The Escalade that sat in my driveway.

"You really do make things hard. You sat in that house of yours all day, fearing the inevitable, and all I wanted to do was talk." He had dark brown hair, he was buff, he had a sharp face and piercing eyes.

"You have been selected to protect someone, the CIA have chosen you specifically. Her father was James Bond, she was the product of mission 7674, his first and only child. If people who want Bond dead find her, she will be in grave danger. Her actions before moving would have caused her to be found. She was adopted by a woman who had another child, but now, as she is in the open with only two agents now protecting her, we feel she needs another."

"The CIA? Why did they chose me?"

"Because we feel you are perfect for training and you have already gotten close to the girl."

"Who am I protecting?"

"Her name is Karene La Rue McQueen. Her aunt, Agent Rachel, and her uncle, Agent Greg, are her blood relatives, but are also her handlers. We believe she has special codes and information, that if not protected could become deadly to all Americans. Risking everything. But you, Parker, are going to be trained by Agent Rachel and Agent Greg, you will become her number one handler. She is going to be advised of all of this, right now, we have an agent telling her now."

"I'm becoming a CIA Agent?"

"You and Karene will be trained and this way she can protect herself if you ever get hurt. Now I need you to get in your car and follow me to a CIA Headquarter. There you will meet Agent Rachel and Agent Greg, you and Karene's training will start then."

I got into my car, head full of questions and worrisome thoughts. Karene is James Bonds daughter. James Bond is real? I followed his car out of the woods and through a tunnel. He stopped and got out of the car. I stopped and followed him. He hit one of the bricks and the wall of the tunnel moved.

We stepped into an elevator and shot down into the ground. I followed him into a meeting room and sat in a chair. Karene's Aunt and Uncle came in and sat down. And the door opened and Karene walked in. She sat down next to me and smiled, she looked so happy, not even worried at all. A tall woman walked into the room and stood at the head of the table.

"I am General Martha, you will call me general." She paused and smilled. "Good to see you again Agents Rachle and Greg, how are the girls?"

"They are doing well." Agent Rachel had a soft voice, Karene looked a lot like her.

"Welcome Miss. Bond and Mr. Hemsworth. I am glad to see neither of you are shot, running away from my Agents dons't normally end well. Now, both of you know why you are here, you are being trained for the CIA and British Intelligence. Mr. Hemsworth and Miss. Bond, you two will be going trough a series of training statuses from both the CIA and British Intelligence. Your first part of training will be shooting guns."

The general slid two guns across the table and I grabbed the gun and Karene grabbed one as well. "Shoot at that target right there Mr. Hemsworth."

A target popped up on the glass wall, I shot, and made it in the 20 perimeter. "Nicely done Mr. Hemsworth. Miss. Bond, your turn." Karene picked up the gun and shot without even needing to look. She hit it strait into the middle of the target. "Miss. Bond you are a natural. Now you two go get changed and meet me in the weight room in an hour."

I walked with Karene in silence, she followed the signs leading to a glass room. "How are you not freaking out Karene?" She looked at me and forced a smile.

"I am, I'm trying not to show it though. Try not to show emotion and they wont go as hard on us."

"How would you know?"

"Thats how they do it in the movies, even though this isn't a movie."

A Month Later

Her eyes seemed filled with fear, she carried on with the training. We were shown pictures of people who we needed to report if we ever saw them. The picture were all of unrecognizable people until two pictures popped up and it caused Karene to choke.

"That's Harrison and Steel."

"Miss. Bond, do you care to explain why you know two Russian Killers?"

"Harrison was a man I was friends with in California, and Steel is one of my friends."

"Miss. Bond, Harrison and Steel are the sons of a KGB, these boys are trained to kill any person that threatens the Soviet Union. Miss. Bond, you need to be extremely careful, your gun will be with you 24/7, and now you will be going undercover. Your name is now Agent Letitia, this was your original name given by your father, we changed it a little because it was originally Lettice, the people of the USA ar to to forgiving with that one. Mr. Hemsworth you are now Agent Conall. You will be posing as a couple. Hopefully this doesn't effect any of your work, you two are excused.

"Kare-- I mean Letitia, you excited for our assignment, KGB, who would have thought we would get this opportunity." She turned around and gave me a blank stair.

"I don't think you realize, our normal college lives, or living out a normal life, it's over Parker, I mean Conall."

"Karene, just call me Parker."

"I can't, only when we're at school or in public, but whenever we have to do stuff for the U.S and The Brits, we aren't us anymore. We're just Agents."

"We are more than that, because now we have each other." I walked up and gave her a hug, we stood there like this for a while.

"Thanks Parker. It's just hard to accept that your father is the guy in the movies where he is the Casanova and he kills for safety, it's just weird, weird that that's going to be us."

"Anything for you Lettice."

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