The 3 little Princeses meet Prince Charming

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Karene's POV
(Outfit. Song of the chapter: CAZZETTE - Blind Heart ft. Terri B!)

The drive to my Aunt and Uncles house was short, the university was only 30ish minuets away. I pulled up in my Jeep and grabbed my suite case and rolled up and opened the door. I was suddenly attacked by 3 little princesses.

"KARENE YOUR BACK!!" All three of them said at the same time.

"I could never leave you girls, no go upstairs and pull out what princess you want to be and I will help you put on your costume!" Mae and Evie bolted up the stairs and Rue jumped into my arms and I walked into the kitchen. Rue was the tomboy, she liked dress up, but she would rather eat.

"Hey Rachel!"

"Hey Karene! How's college?!" She was icing some cupcakes and wearing baggy pants and a lose shirt with a messy bun.

"It's going good, made the Varsity Soccer team, naturally." She laughed.

"I'm not surprised."

"So, while you guys are gone, I have a friend that wanted to help me babysit, he's super cool. But if you don't like it that's cool."

"Karene, I trust you. As long as the girls don't kill him with cuteness, he's fine by me to stay. If he's gonna stay, stay, your gonna have to make the guest room ready. Oh and I changed the sheets in your room, painted your room, and bought you some new clothes."

"Rachel! I have a job for a reason."

"I was in a crafty mood. Oh also girls have poetry class on Tuesday." Her phone started ringing as she was walking out of the door leaving a batch of half iced cupcakes.

"Rue, wanna help me finish icing?" She nodded her head and we iced away dancing to Disney princesses songs.

Love is an open door...
I mean it's crazy...
We finish each other's-
That's what I was gonna say!
I've never met someone-
Who thinks so much like me!
Jinx! Jinx again!
Our mental synchronization
Can have but one explanation

A knock came upon the door, Evie and Mae fought to open the huge wooden door. "Karene there is a boy at the door!!" I walked with Rue and her frosted face to the door. Parker was at the door. Evie and Mae were staring at him like he was a new tutu.

"Hey Parker come on in!" He walked in the door and Evie and Mae came and grabbed on my legs.

"Karene he is real tall." Evie whispered.

"It's okay, he's really nice. Parker, this is Evie, Mae and Rue."

He got on his knees and smiled. "Hi girls, I'm Parker."

"Hi." They chimed in.

"Alright girls all of you go upstairs and get washed off for dinner! We're having dinosaur chicken nuggets!"
Evie helped Rue up the stairs and Mae just started sprinting. Parker and I walked into the kitchen and I got the stuff out of the freezer and grabbed the milk out.

"So dinosaur chicken nuggets eh?" Parker laughed.

"Yes, and your going to make them. It will make the girls not be scared of you." I turned the oven on and turned it to the right temperature.

"Am I really that scary?"

"To a 5 year old, 3 year old, and 2 year old, yes." I smiled and poured milk in the glasses. "Can you get out 2 cookie sheets please?"

"Sure thing."

We worked on the masterpiece we called dinner and called the girls down. All the plates had vegetables and small cut up pieces of pineapple and milk. We sat down and said grace and the girls talked about what movie they wanted to watch. We all agreed on Up.

After, the girls put on their PJ's and Parker made popcorn. The girls and I cuddled on the couch and Parker sat by himself.

"Parker, want to sit with us?" Mae was glowing while she was talking. Someone's got a crush.

"Sure. Make way Princesses." He scooted over and sat Mae on his lap and sat next to me and Rue. He started braiding Mae's hair, then Rue's while they were falling asleep.

The movie ended and we got the girls upstairs and all tucked in. I turned on their music and closed the door. We walked back downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Your really good with kids Parker."
"I would say the same with you."

"Well what do you want to do?"

"Wanna watch TV?"

I turned the TV onto The Princess and the Frog. Parker laughed and said I spent too much time with little kids. So where in the movie he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer too him. I was freezing in Nike shorts and a T-shirt. He must have figured that out because he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me.

"So Karene, you like Princesses?"

"Yah, fairy tales too. Except we live on Earth so, that dream got crushed at an early age."

"Well, dreams do come true."


"Karene, would you be my princess? I can be your prince."

"Do I get a crown?"

"We can color one in a coloring book tomorrow and tape it on your head."

We both laughed. "If I become your princesses please promise me you won't leave me like Cinderella left her glass slipper."

"I promise, and I promise not too cut your long blonde hair because of its magical powers."

"Parker, as much as I love your friendship and how great of a guy you are, I kinda want to get to know you better. I didn't wait or talk to God in my last relationship and it turned out bad."

"I compleetly understand, I am going to wait for you though. And I want to thank you for not being a girl that throws herself at every guy. And for being such a weird girl"

"No problem, but you aren't allowed to cut my magical hair." He and I laughed.

After finishing Princess and the Frog and Cinderella I headed off to bed. Thinking about all that happened. I'm glad so glad I moved.

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