A Shirt for him

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A shirt for him


Vivek was talking with Abhijeet on a current case. Though Abhijeet was answering him with patient he was slightly confused with his silly questions. For what he had known vivek, he found him a very intelligent and attentive officer. So, his silly questions were bound to make Abhijeet surprised.

He was sitting on his chair and Vivek was standing before him. Time to time he could sense Vivek's shifting attention behind his chair. Of course he could sense Tasha walking behind his chair but Vivek wasn't someone to be caught by Tasha's walking movement. Nevertheless, he decided to let it pass and explained Vivek whatever he wanted to know from him.

A few minutes later Vivek and Tasha were standing at the corridor of the Bureau, arguing.

"No Tasha, you were supposed to look at the number of his shirt while I was keeping him busy. And you messed up!"

"Oh hello, I tried. And I told you guys this is a terrible idea but you won't listen to me. The size number is printed inside. How am I supposed to look into that? Yet I tried."

"I don't know Tasha... Your friend gonna just eat us alive."

"She's stupid."

"You are no better than her."

"Yeah yeah.. You are the genius one here. So, why don't you try it this time." Tasha rolled her eyes.

"Don't pass that on me."

"Why not Mr genius?"

"What's up? Why are you to arguing?" Daya asked, walking towards them with a mug of coffee in his hand.

"No no sir... She's just.." Vivek wanted to cover up but Tasha interrupted him.

"Sir, do you know the number of Abhijeet sir's shirt?" She asked directly.

Vivek slapped his forehead.

Daya looked at her surprised and then at Vivek.

"Why?" He asked, a bit curiously.

"Uhm.. you know, what if someday I want to gift him a shirt."

"Why would you want to gift him a shirt?" Daya looked at her, suspecting something fishy.

"He's my mentor. I mean, it's perfectly fine with me gifting him a shirt right?"

"Yeah it is. But, Abhijeet hardly accepts gifts." Daya said.

"That's not a problem sir. You just tell us the number." Vivek interrupted.

"Now, why you want him to gift a shirt?" Daya enquired Vivek this time.

"Oh.. uhm..." Vivek stammered and mentally cursed Tarika for landing him into that situation.

"He's just trying to help me." Tasha saved him.

"Uhm.. Okay." Daya accepted, reluctantly.

"So, what's the number?"


"What?" Tasha shouted.

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