Chapter two

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As the doors open they reveal a huge living room with people in it. "Who are you"said a woman with red, short hair turning to look at you."You will know soon" I said raising a gun at her. Before I could shoot I feel a person run into me. He was short blonde hair. For a little man he sure was fucking heavy.

"Natasha are you alright" he yelled to her. "Yes I am fine" she replied confused "but who is that". I got up and composed myself. "You should ask Tony". Not going to lie Natasha and the other guy were pretty good fighters. They both tried to attack me but they arent that strong. I blocked every hit. They wouldnt stop until I kicked Natasha in the stomach and punched the man in the face.

All of a sudden a man covered head to toe in metal stood before me his arm extended. "Hey dad" I said as his arm dropped. Bad idea. I quickly tried to attack him but he blasted me with his gun or hand or whatever he shot me with. "That's not a very welcoming entrance father dear" I say barely above a whisper. Out of no where everything went dark.

"You know if you wanted to see me you could of just called" I heard as my eyes started to flutter open. I look up to see tony standing in front of me arms crossed. "I didnt want to talk I wanted to kill you" I say.
"Well you cant" he replies. What was he talking about I could kill him right now if I wanted to. "You really let's see about tha--" I say running up to him but being met with a clear wall. Shit that hurt.

I sit back clearly hurt and just look at my father. He was such a twat how could he... I was a little over two months when he sent me away. "I am going to leave you now...dont try and escape because if you fail you die and if you succeed I die and neither of us want the first option" he said emotionlessly. Then he did indeed just leave. Like always. God I am so stupid why did I even come here he is Tony fucking stark and he has everything at his disposal of course he could defeat me. Even though I am stronger. All I could do was wait wait until I can manipulate someone to let me out.


It has been pretty these past three days. No one talked to or wanted information I just sat there. Staring at the ceiling wishing that I just hadn't been born...I wouldnt be in this mess.

----TONYS POV----

I monitored the kid through CCTV and she just didnt do anything she just sat there. I dont know why she was calling me dad though I dont have a daughter not anymore. She couldnt be anyway because she is a real bitch.
"No she is definitely yours" I heard a familiar voice behind me. "She is arrogant, a bitch and an asshole" Loki said "I think we shall be friends".
"Shut up reindeer games" I retaliated
"Could she be a super soldier like captain patriot and Buck face" he said suggested."You have a point...get Steve and Bucky here pronto" I say as Loki leaves. Lets find out who she is because she sure as hell isnt my daughter

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