Chapter 28

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I cannot believe we are basing a plan on fucking Alien. That movie was deeply disturbing...Nat and Wanda made me watch it. All I really had to do was to hang the fuck on. Of course this all happens when Bucky leaves. I should stick with him forever. The plan was that dad swoops down to distract the squid and then blasts the wall while Pete-- sorry Spiderman catches the wizard. Simple enough. Squidward was going through his little monologue when dad dropped in behind him.

The only thing I heard was my father saying "I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more a professional courtesy." I mentally rolled my eyes before hiding behind a box of something. "You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine." The squid boasted. What a cocky bastard. "Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies." Dad said. Boom drop the mic. Peter taught me that.

With a boom an explosion comes out of my tin man for a fathers shoulder sending squidward the doctor and me flying. Guess I didnt hold on tight enough. While I was falling an immense ain't flowed through my body from my legs. Before I could fall out of the ship I felt an arm wrap around my waste hauling me up. I writhed in pain sprouting from my leg. I looked down to see two of those shards embedded in my leg. Fuck that hurt like a fucking piece of fuck.

"Its okay honey I'm just going to pull them out so you can heal." My dad said smoothly. I quickly nodded wanting the pain to go away. As the blades were pulled out I released a long strand of curse words. Finally when they were gone I felt relief wash over me. "How did they get through vibranium?"I pant. Dad shrugged and helped me stand up putting some weird shit from his hand over my wound. That hurt more than the shards. I let out some more curses before finally feeling the pain subside.

"We've gotta turn this ship." Strange demanded. What no thankyou for saving him. Well I didnt but that's not important."Yeah. Now he wants to run. Great plan." Dad retorted. Oh I swear to god these men are so dramatic. Then again which one isnt am I right. Ok I'm gonna stop talking and continue explaining what's going on."No, I want to protect the stone." Strange argued. Jeez he is worse than Nat with her guns.

"And I want you to thank me now. Go ahead, I'm listening." Dad said irritated slightly.  "For what? Nearly blasting me into space?" He replied in the same tone.

"Dad you are going to have to divorce him before you marry Pepper."I joke. Only to be met by scowels. Wrong time? "Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you." Strange continued. Jesus these guys have the ego of the milky way. "And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup." Dad argued.

"We are backup."I argued. Feeling a sense of pride.  "No. You're stowaway." Dad butts in. Ugh."The adults are talking."he gestured between him and Strange. I think the fuck not. "First of all I am 24 I AM an adult and second you two are acting like a pair of 5 year olds." I argue.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused as to the relationship here." He gestured between me dad and Peter. "Um I'm his daughter and this is Peter."I introduced. "Dr Strange."he greeted to Peter as I knew him. Just as Strange got into another arguement I searched around the ship to see if we could use them. All I could find was boxes though. As I returned back to my spot I heard Strange say ,"Alright, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kids or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't, because the fate of the universe depends on it." The wizard stated.

"You know you truly are are charming I bet the ladies love you...or the guys...or non binary people whatever floats your boat." I stutter who knows he might be gay or bi. "Can we just like not talk about this please." Strange replied slightly embarrassed. Haha embarrassed Dr Strange is hilarious. Dad walks over to me and Peter and puts his arms over our shoulders. "Your Avengers now."he knighted. Me and Peter stared at eachother in complete shock.

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