Chapter 17

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Chapter  17 – Nicholas

The excruciating hunger pains remained but they were masked by the pain in my heart. Was Wesley still alive? Should I be fighting for my life, for one last chance to see him and touch him and kiss him? Or should I let myself die expecting that they had already killed him? If he was gone I didn’t want to be on this earth either.

My tears had long dried out along with the rest of my body. If I didn’t get blood soon I’m sure I would just crumble into a pile of ash on the cold cement ground.

I didn’t even notice when the door finally opened. I tried to look up when I felt someone undoing the cuffs on my wrists but all I managed was opening my eyes.

Then the smell hit me like a truck on the highway. Fresh blood.

I didn’t have to look for it because someone had brought the now open blood bag to my lips and I started gulping it down greedily. When I was done with that one they handed me another, and another. When I had finished six or seven blood bags I could feel my heart racing in my chest once again and the blood start to run through my veins. Then it hit my head and it was like the worst ice cream headache in the world.

“Take it easy, it’ll go away in a second,” I recognized the voice as Hunter’s and I looked up to see his face.

I was happy to finally be getting out of here but I could only dread what that meant.

“Wesley,” was the only thing that came out of my mouth and I saw a flash of pity go through Hunter’s eyes. “He’s not-“

“No, but I can’t say anything else on the subject. Come on, before Clive skins us both,” he interrupted hoisting me to my feet. I stumbled for a second but was able to stand and take small steps before my joints decided to cooperate.

We walked outside and I had half the mind to make a run for it, but I had no idea where Wesley was. If he wasn’t dead there was no way I was going to let them kill him. I would rather they take my life than his, but I had to have a plan first.

It was nighttime, we got into the back of a car that was waiting at the entrance. I noticed the driver wasn’t one of Hunter’s men so it was probably Clive who sent him to come get me.

We drove for about twenty minutes before we pulled up to the biggest mansion in the city. I felt chills go up my spine, this was master Clive’s house.

He never let anyone inside. We had all the council meetings at his head cooperation in a conference room, not even my father had seen the inside of this place. Why was he bringing me here?

The mansion was decked out in entirely gothic attire. The building itself was black with red bricks as accents. The walkway was grey stone, no plants outside. The door was massive, easily towering overhead. There was a strange aura about the house, it was like something deep inside me was telling me to stay away. With Hunter basically pushing me forward that was impossible though.

“Why are we here?” I asked trying to turn around, but he wouldn’t relent in his attempt to get me to the front door.

When he didn’t answer me I was going to ask again but then the doors opened suddenly and it made me take a step back. Inside the front door Clive’s assistant was standing there.

“Thank you Master Hunter, Master Clive has instructed me to take him from here,” he said in a very monotone formal voice.

I felt Hunter’s hand leave my back and I turned around to see him scurrying away. Something about this made me feel like I wouldn’t be coming out of this house anytime soon.

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