Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 – Wesley

Walking away from him was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I didn’t want to leave him but I knew what I had to do. I had to rescue our pack members and our future Alpha. It was my fault they were in this situation and the only way I could save them and Nick was to go in there and break them out.

I wasn’t too worried. I had been there before so I knew where I was going and I knew what to expect. The hunter’s facility wasn’t as heavily guarded as the vampires’. I just hoped they were alive. If they were alive I knew I could save them, but if they weren’t I wouldn’t know what to do. There was no way I could show up back at the pack without Eric. I would have to sneak in and get Nick away from them before they figured it out.

I was getting ahead of myself. I had to have hope. Eric and the rest were alive.

I ran north until I hit the mountains. Any farther and I would be in Kuro pack territory and that’s the last place I wanted to be. If they caught me there’s no telling what Alpha Stone would do to me. So I started to run west.

It was almost dark when I reached the hunter’s territory line. If I was smart I would have hunted something to eat and rested for the night, but all I could think about was Nick. He was still tied to that pole in the middle of our territory and I wanted to be back before the sun came up again. I doubted they were doing anything to help him and I had no idea how long he would last.

So I kept running.

This time I was much more careful about the traps, constantly looking down and listening. My vision was better in wolf form I just had to pay attention. It was taking longer than I wanted to get through the woods but I knew what Nick would say if he were here.

Stop being and impatient baby and watch where you’re going.

Thinking of him put a smile on my face and I knew he was right, impatience would only put lives in danger.

About 2 hours later I finally arrived on the outer edge of their site. I saw 2 armed guards at the front and there were two lights illuminating the doorway above their heads. I couldn’t see any cameras which was a bonus, but I knew there would be some inside. I wasn’t sure if there were motion detectors but I figured the best way to find out would be to lure one of them away from the door. Then I could attack the other one from behind and hopefully get to the other one before he radioed anyone else.

I walked around through the woods until I was to the right of one of the guards. I was considering snapping a branch or letting out a howl to get one of them to check it out but then I spotted a trap about 3 feet away. It was the same type of trap that got me before.

I stepped closer to it and picked up a branch with my teeth and stuck it right in the middle of the trap. It snapped shut on the branch snapping it in half and I flinched at the sound. I remembered how that felt cutting into my leg and it was not a pleasant memory.

I heard the two men talking and then footsteps start in my direction. I ran as swiftly and as quietly as I could until I was just at the edge of the woods and I could see the one guard left looking around nervously.

I poised myself to attack and waited until he faced away from me. Then I jumped out of the woods and clamped my huge jaws around his neck.

He tried to scream but they just came out in gurgles as blood bubbled up past his lips and his eyes grew larger in alarm. He sunk to the ground and was dead in a few seconds.

I hated the taste of blood in my mouth but there was no avoiding it. I was stronger in my wolf form and I had to kill him in a way that wouldn’t let him make any noise.

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