Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 — Nicholas

I had been in this lab for 3 days now. I couldn't even remember everything because the second Kent thought I was being difficult he would drug me. Everything was sore, I had enough needles going in and out of me I looked like Swiss cheese. At least he was feeding me. I wasn't allowed to leave the room though, I felt like a prisoner, but after the past few months it was nothing new to me.

"Lay back," he said to me as I sat on the edge of the examination table that I had been sleeping on for the past 2 nights.

I did as I was told, the coldness of the metal on my bare back a familiar feeling at this point.

"This is the last test I'll be doing, Hunter is on his way to escort you back home," he said as he attached a few sensors to my chest.

As much as hearing Hunter would be the one to take me home made my blood boil I was more than relieved this was almost over. I wanted to see my dad, I had to explain things to him.

The "last test" took over an hour to finish. Hunter came in about thirty minutes into it and just stood by the door with his arms crossed like he wanted to be doing anything other than this. When Kent was finished he barely acknowledged me as I got dressed and then walked over to Hunter.

"Let's get going," he said walking outside and down the hallway.

I followed close behind, peering into the different examination rooms as we went until a familiar scent hit me. I couldn't tell who it was, I was pretty sure I had never seen them before, but the scent was distinctly wolf.  I looked inside the room and I tried to hold down the vomit at what I saw.

A boy, he couldn't be any older then 18, strapped to the table. His shoulder looked like it had been torn into multiple times. I instinctively touched the same spot on myself and realized that's where my mating mark was. I looked back through the small window and watched as the attendant placed a mask over his face and forced him to breathe some blue vapor. He started breathing heavily, tears pooled in his eyes but it wasn't water, it was blood. Blood began to drip down his face, then out of his ears. He started to scream but the attendant didn't pull the mask off his face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped.

"Come on, let's get you home," Hunter said to me a little more sympathetically than I would have expected from him.

I followed him the rest of the way out of the building but I couldn't the image of that kid out of my mind. I know Ken always experimented on people, wolves, anything else he could get his hands on, but I had never seen it in real life. What I went through seemed like nothing in comparison. Was that what Wesley went through? Are those the kind of tests he was forced to endure? I shuttered at the thought.

When we pulled up to my house all my excitement faded down to a dull anxiety as I remember the last few moments I had with my father. I had been caught using magic, caught sneaking out and lying to the master of our clan, caught sleeping with our natural enemy and got my father kicked off the council and fired from his job. It felt like a heavy brick settled in my stomach as Hunter patted me on the shoulder.

He smiled a devious smile down at me like he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Good luck," he laughed a little before getting back in his car and driving away.

I walked cautiously up to the front porch. If my dad knew I was coming home today I had no doubt he already knew I was waiting out here. I didn't know what they had told him or what he had to suffer through these past few months.

This was my house too but for some reason I didn't feel right just walking in anymore. I rang the doorbell and waited.

After a couple seconds I heard footsteps and I froze. My dad opened the door and he looked just like he always did, why wouldn't he? A bit taller than me, stubble on his chin from not shaving in a few days, dark chocolate brown hair that fell into his face. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants, I guess it was kind of late for vampire standards, I had lost track of a normal sleep schedule long ago.

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