Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 – Nicholas

I got back just as my dad was waking up. Before he could see me I rushed to my room to shower just in case the scent disguising spray didn’t do its job this time. We were together for a long time, so long our scents had been beginning to meld, I couldn’t be sure if I could smell him or not anymore.

After my shower I walked downstairs and my dad had laid out a mug of blood for me. I wasn’t sure if he knew I had been out all day or not, I didn’t want to ask.

“So I need you to come with me to see Clive and the guys this morning,” he said and I suppressed a groan.

Clive wasn’t so bad, but the ‘guys’ were the other three that made up his inner circle including my dad. They all were old as fuck and the biggest pretentious idiots you will ever meet. They all held important jobs within the clan and it was my duty as a lower rank to show them respect, but that’s as far as I took it. Men and women, human and vampire, would throw themselves at them with no shame. It sickened me but there was nothing I could do about it.

“Don’t give me that look, it’s an important meeting and everyone is going to have an assistant there talking notes and I was hoping you could try and contribute a little this time,” he said popping another mug of blood into the microwave.

“You want me to contribute? Last time I tried that Grayson shot all my ideas down and called me a juvenile imitation of a vampire,” I drawled. None of those three liked me very much and Clive just put up with me because my father was his favorite.

“That was a few years ago and you know a lot more about how things run now, just think carefully before you speak and I’m sure your comments on the situation will be welcomed,” he said with a smile but he knew as well as I did that I wasn’t the smartest out there.

Sure I could keep up and I had been through school a few times, but I was nothing compared to the educational elite that Clive had insisted upon turning. The clan only turned people they thought would be an asset to the collective. Clive valued knowledge above all things. So you can see how it isn’t a large jump that after the few decades the clan was seen as the most valuable and powerful in the country. The only reason I was allowed to be my father’s assistant was because I was a pureblood and we were extremely rare now a day’s. At least I had something going for me.

“Yeah I’ll come, I just don’t promise any incredibly insightful revelations,” I said in a sour tone. My father frowned but left it alone.

About an hour later we were in the car and pulling up to Clive’s massive building. From the outside it looked like a posh apartment building. What people didn’t know was that it all belonged to Clive. The entire thing had been gutted and remodeled into his very own high standard version of paradise.

We walked in the main entrance and were greeted with the colossal lobby. Roman columns stretched all the way to the 15th floor, there was a large black granite desk in the middle with a plasma screen TV to the side that took up almost the entire wall showing scenes of what looked like 1940s New York. The floors were white marble with specs of gold embedded in them. Knowing Clive it was real gold that he stole from some Spanish armada hundreds of years ago.

A man in a tight fitting black suit and thick rimmed glasses came up to us before we could even ask at the counter.

“Mr. Keegan,” he said holding out his hand. My dad smiled and shook it while he looked down at me. “And Mr. Keegan Jr., Lovely to see you,” he commented and I just nodded politely. This must be one of Clive’s new assistants.

Clive always liked the young ones and kept himself pretty young looking as well. It was common knowledge that Master Clive used his assistants for a lot more than just office work. He even approached me once when I was about eighty. My dad found out he threw a fit. Apparently Master Clive’s tastes were a little sadistic and when I found out I was glad my dad took me home early that night.

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