Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 – Nicholas

I couldn't even bring myself to sleep. This room was just another prison. They might have let me out of the chair and they might be feeding me now, but I was still locked up. I was still forced to be away from the only person I wanted to be with.

I didn't know what I was going to do about this arranged marriage yet but I wouldn't be cooperating the way Clive wanted. I wasn't going to give up my entire life just to appease my clan and produce a few baby purebloods. If I had to I would get my dad out and then find Wes and escape to some remote city in Australia.

I had to figure out how to get escape this room first though.

I heard a knock on the door and I didn't bother saying anything but Clive's assistant came in anyway.

He walked over and placed a tray with a mug of blood and a book on the bedside table.

"I wasn't sure what you would want to read so I took the liberty of choosing one for you," he said pausing at the door and waiting for a response.

I didn't know what to say so I said the first thing to come to my mind.

"What's your name anyway?"

He seemed shocked for a second before he gathered his thoughts and spoke.

"Edward," was all he said obviously not sure what else he should say.

When I looked away and made it obvious I was done conversing he bowed slightly and left the door. I hear the lock click once again send a bolt of annoyance through me. Clive knew a lock wasn't going to keep me in here, he was probably doing it just to get to me.

I was tempted to break the door or even try to run, but I knew that wouldn't work. He didn't set me up in a room in his house to "keep an eye on me." He put me in here because the security around the place was intense. I could sense some magic in the air which surprised me at first, Clive had a reputation of hating magic, he was such a hypocrite.

There were also multiple alarms and lasers and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. I felt it the moment I walked inside, the shadows were just too dark.

Sometimes I felt like something was watching me and even though I couldn't see anything I tried my best to stay in the light and away from corners. Something wasn't right about this place.

I walked over to the tray and I picked up the mug of blood and started sipping it. There wasn't much in there and I didn't know the next time I would be able to eat, they had locked me up for two months without it so I wasn't putting anything past them.

I glanced down at the book and rolled my eyes. A Tale of Two Cities, like I haven't read that book fifty times by now.

I decided against reading and sat back down on the bed and zoned out thinking of Wesley. I sounded like some lovesick sap but that's exactly what I was. It physically hurt to be away from him but at least I knew he was alive. I took comfort in that fact before I downed the last of the blood and fell asleep.

It was the first time in a long time that I had a dream. It was rare for vampires to dream and half bloods couldn't dream at all, another fact that humans liked to use in their argument that we didn't have souls.

This dream started off nice enough. I was in the café that Wesley and I had breakfast in after that night at the bar. I was sipping on tea in the back by myself. The atmosphere was calm and people were chatting aimlessly while I looked out the window.

Movement caught my eye and I looked up to see Wesley rushing towards the back.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to help Jack out, the other wolves treat him like a welcome mat or something," he said in a gruff tone wrinkling his forehead in frustration. It was the cutest thing.

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