Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 – Nick

The second I realized Wesley wasn’t going to show I rushed to Hunter’s house. I pushed past the doorman and ran all the way to his room. I burst open the door but he wasn’t there. That’s new.

“Where is he?!” I yanked on the butler’s collar and flashed my fangs, I’m sure my eyes were red as well.

“Like I was trying to inform you before sir, the master is not in, he is at a training session in the next town,” he said almost patronizingly. I would have punished him for his tone but I didn’t have time. I let him go roughly and pulled out my phone as I walked back to my car.

I got his voicemail.

“Where is he Hunter?! He didn’t show up, that no-kill order better have gone through, I need to know he’s ok! Call me back as soon as you get this,” I rattled off and then hung up the phone.

I didn’t know what to do now.  I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to go running into that forest and find my mate. I wanted to tear down every tree and bush until I found any trace of him. If the hunters got him they better be treating him with care or I would tear off their limbs one by one.

I bet Clive knew where the hunter’s hide out in the woods was, but he would never tell me. He would know something was up the second I walked into his office. I could go to Kent. We had a history, he might be able to help. He was still new though, he might give me the information I needed to try and track Wesley down but he would go running to another person on the council or even Clive himself the second I left. I couldn’t risk any of them stopping me from finding him and that meant telling the least amount of people as possible.

I found myself in front of my house and decided to go inside and wait for Hunter to call. I walked in and was surprised to see my dad at the kitchen counter on his computer absentmindedly sipping a mug of blood.

“Hey dad,” I greeted and hoped he would grunt or wave so I could escape to my room, but he didn’t.

“Nick, great, I need to talk to you,” he closed his lap top and nodded his head towards the other bar stool at the counter.

I reluctantly walked over and sat down. 

“This isn’t the best time dad, I –“

“I was sent home early today to watch you, Clive doesn’t want you doing anything reckless,” he said seriously and that had me pause.

“What are you talking about?” I scooted farther away from him in my seat but tried to keep myself from fidgeting too much, then he would know something was up.

“Look, I didn’t want to interfere before because I didn’t see any harm in messing around with the wolf on the side but it’s become a more serious issue now. You know how important this alliance with the hunter’s is to our continued prosperity in this area and we can’t have you doing something that could jeopardize that alliance. You can’t go looking for him Nicholas, do you understand me?”

The look on his face was more serious than I had seen it years. I didn’t know how to process all of this. Did the whole council know? How long have they known? Most importantly, they really weren’t going to keep me from trying to find him were they?

“I love him,” I said. It’s all that would come out after my dad basically revealed my entire relationship with Wesley had not been the secret love affair I thought it had been.

“I know, and Hunter’s no kill order went through, if they do have him he’s not dead, but you have to stay here,” my dad said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

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