Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – Nicholas   

I listened to him. Why the hell did I listen to him? I know why. I loved when he took control like that.

Now I’m squirming trying desperately not to touch myself. How was I supposed to make this go away?

I decided to take a cold shower, no matter how painful it was I had to get rid of this thing the hard way. I turned on the water and stepped right in since I didn’t have to wait for it to get warm. I let out a shaky breath and forced myself to stay under the stream of cold pellets hitting my skin like icicles. Just because vampires were naturally colder didn’t mean we couldn’t feel temperature changes.

As I finished my cold shower my little friend finally made it all the way down and I swore I would get back at Wes sometime soon for this.

I had nothing to do today and I was bored out of my mind. A few of my friends wanted me to come out tonight but I didn’t feel like it. They weren’t really friends, just other vampires in the clan that hung out. I was always a loner, I hung out with people when I had nothing better to do but I didn’t have any close friends. They probably wanted to go search for some warm blood and that didn’t really appeal to me. I didn’t mind drinking from a bottle of donated blood so why go through the trouble of drugging someone up so they couldn’t remember or killing someone to keep the secret. I knew Wes hated it too so I tried to avoid it.

I considered lying back down and taking a nap after my cold shower but the bed was bringing up too many memories of a few minutes ago so I settled for the couch downstairs and turned on the TV. The next few days were going to be rough, I wanted to see Wesley again. The more I tried not to think about him the more I did. 


The day had finally come. I woke up early, around 6pm, I was too excited. I ran down the stairs and grabbed 2 cups before pouring some blood into one for me and my dad. I plopped down on the couch and took out my phone.

I’m up, I’ll leave as soon as my dad does, can’t wait to see you – Nick

Last night was the full moon and Wes had to lock himself up in the basement again. I hated that he had to do that but we couldn’t risk him trying to find me in wolf form.  Wes told me how much it hurt his wolf to be away from me on the full moon so I made sure I was free the entire night after every one to be with him. Plus the sex was amazing. His wolf always fought him for control sometime during the night and when I teased him a bit Wes took a back seat and his wolf fuck the hell out of me. Not in wolf form, that would just be way too weird, but Wes would let him take over his mind for a while. Wes didn’t like to be the top but there was no stopping his wolf from mounting me when it took over and I loved it.

“You’re up early,” I heard my dad call from the kitchen, he must finally be up.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I called back, which was partially true, I was really excited about today.

“I have to head to the main building earlier today, Clive wants to go through the list of new potentials with me and then we’ll decide on a new batch,” he said coming over with his cup and sitting down next to me on the couch. “So I’ll see you later?”

“Actually you won’t, I’m staying with a friend if that’s ok,” I said trying to sound as casual as I could. My dad wasn’t very nosy but he did like to know my plans when they involved staying out during daylight hours.

“Ok, be safe,” he said and left it at that. Another reason why my dad was so cool. Maybe it was the 500 years of life that made him that way, not that he looked a day over 30.

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