Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Wesley

I headed back towards the pack lines but I was finding it difficult. My heart felt heavy and my legs felt like led. I had to snap out of this but it was always so hard whenever I left Nick.

I was so angry when I realized I was mates with a vampire. I was always raised thinking vampires were cold hearted murders that didn't care about life in the slightest. Just undead things that fed off the universe's energies to selfishly extend their pathetic lives indefinitely.

But Nick wasn't anything like that. He was warm and caring. He was so smart and funny. When I first saw him I didn't even consider he was a vampire. He didn't smell like one to me and he wasn't pale or sickly looking. Later Nick told me that was a stereotype but I still think there's something to it.

We met at the mall one day. He was shopping at Abercrombie and Fitch, go figure, and I had just gotten out of a movie with my girlfriend at the time, Stacy. I saw him first, looking through shirts in the back of the store. I started walking towards him and his scent just got stronger and stronger, it was amazing, like lavender and that smell right after it rains. I didn't realize Stacy was trying to warn me about what he was, she thought I was going to start shit, but I just wanted to hear his voice.

"Hi," I said and he turned around. His eyes were a beautiful bright blue, I would almost swear they were neon. They went from a look of confusion to a look of surprise and then defense.

"What do you want?" he asked as he took a step back, his eyes flashing red for a second, and for some reason that made me sad. Stacy was pulling on my shirt but I wasn't listening, I had to know him.

"What's your name?" I asked and he looked puzzled.

"Nicholas Keegan, first class member of the Horation Clan, why does a werewolf want to know?" he said a little defensively. I was shocked at first, I didn't believe him in fact, he couldn't be a vampire. But I could sense something between us and I knew he could sense something too. Vampires don't have mates like werewolves do, but humans that end up being mates with them feel the pull, if not a little weaker than the wolf, so why not vampires? But that's never happened before, not that I know of anyway.

"I-I just, I thought...I wanted to get to know you," I said suddenly losing my confidence. If he was a 1st class member that meant he knew how to fight or he was really smart. I was a hunter in the pack, the only wolves above me were the elders and the Alpha and his Beta, but I couldn't start a fight here. Human territory was neutral territory, any fights here would just cause a war that neither side wanted.

Nicholas seemed to look around paranoid for a second before he looked back at me. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled something down and handed it to me. It was his phone number.

"I'd like to get to know you too," he said with a smile before running out of the store.

I stood there dazed for a while, I didn't realize I had a huge smile on my face before Stacy hit me in the arm. She was a hunter too so it hurt pretty bad.

"Hey," I scowled at her.

She sighed. "You found your mate didn't you?" she asked sadly, she knew we couldn't keep dating if I'd found my mate.

"I think so," I said still smiling but I was more confused.

"How is that possible, he's a vampire, and he smells rank Wes," she said as we walked back to the car.

"I don't know, and no he doesn't" I defended, it felt like the right thing to do, plus he didn't smell bad, he smelled amazing.

"Whatever, just take a long shower today okay? Anyone will be able to catch that stench from a mile away, and if they ever find out you know they're going to hand you your ass on a platter," she warned.

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