Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – Nicholas

I finally fell asleep around 4pm which only managed to give me 3 hours of sleep. I woke up to my dad screaming my name from downstairs.

"Nicholas George Keegan! Get your ass out of bed! You said you would come with me on rounds today!" he screamed and I groaned. 129 years old and apparently take your kid to work day is still a thing.

I rolled out of bed and wondered to my closet. I never bother to change into pajamas this morning so I changed into a different pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. I sprayed myself with the scent disguising spray one last time for good measure, I really should have taken a shower. I glanced at myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess. I tried to pat it down so it would stay flat but eventually gave up.

I wasn't bad looking I guess. I wasn't nearly as muscular as Wesley but I wasn't a stick either. My hair was jet black and cut short at the moment. I learned to stop my ageing process at 20 years old so that's how old I looked now, but with this baby face I still get carded every time I try to go out for a drink. Vampires can't get drunk but give enough alcohol to a werewolf and you can get them pretty tipsy. Wes and I figured that out one night, he wasn't very happy with me the next day.

I walked into the kitchen and dad had already set out a glass for me. I took a sip, AB negative, my favorite. Well it became my favorite after my first taste of Wes, he was the same blood type. I could never bite him, vampire wounds take a lot longer to heal for wolves, but sometimes he would slit his wrist and let me drink from him for a while. It was nice and afterwards I felt so much closer to him but I knew it made him feel uncomfortable so I didn't push it often.

"We have to be there at 8, drink faster," my dad said packing up his bag over at the kitchen table.

"Why so early? I barely got any sleep," I complained laying my head on the kitchen counter.

"Well if you would stop sneaking out at all hours of the day you wouldn't have that problem," he said it like it was no big deal but I froze.

"What do you mean?" I said trying to play it off, but I should have known he wouldn't go for that.

"You've been sneaking off for a while Nick, you honestly didn't expect me to notice?" he looked back up at me and I just hoped my eyes weren't giving away the fear I felt inside.

"It's – it's nothing, I swear," what was I going to have to say to get him to drop this?

"Look, I don't care what you're doing ok. As long as you keep up with your responsibilities and you're not endangering us or the clan, I'm fine," he waved me off and I tried to relax but couldn't bring myself to do it. I would have to be more careful. If he found out it was a werewolf I was meeting he would kill me, literally.

I took a few more minutes to finish my breakfast before we got into the car. The sun was setting but it wasn't down yet as we drove to the other side of the harbor where they kept the newborns.

My dad was one of the vampires in charge of training the new half blood vampires. He would teach them our ways and how the clan did things. He was the first one they saw when they woke up. It was an important job that landed him a pretty high rank in the clan. The master of our clan, Clive, liked my dad a lot. They were constantly hanging out and talking when they weren't busy with official business. I was proud to call James my dad.

"Ok, so if you're going to be doing this in a few hundred years the first thing you have to learn is how to calm them down when they wake up. Most of them don't know what happened or don't want to believe it, you can't let them go crazy and hurt themselves or anyone else," he said as we walked into the warehouse.

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