Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 - Wesley

We ended up falling asleep which probably wasn’t smart because when I woke up it was almost three in the afternoon and I knew we still needed to visit my pack today.

I was scared as hell to go back there after everything that’s happened. For all I knew they thought I was dead. When I showed up there with a vampire mate on my arm I doubt I would get any sympathy for running away and getting caught like I did. I debated if I should bring Nick or not but either way I knew I wasn’t ready to leave him again. Anything could happen between now and the ceremony, I didn’t want to let Nick out of my sight before I could mark him and show the whole world he was mine.

I was nervous about that part too though. The dream I had about marking Nick and watching him die that night I was first captured was still fresh in my mind and I couldn’t help but take it as a sign. As far as I could tell he was all vampire and I was all werewolf. Just because we were mates didn’t mean we couldn’t hurt each other. How would the goddess make sure we wouldn’t just kill each other when we tried to complete this ceremony?

Nick sighed and rolled over on top of me in his sleep and I smiled. I didn’t want to wake him up, especially since the sun was still up and he seemed so peaceful and happy, but I knew we had to get to my pack before nightfall.

I rolled nick off of me and climbed on top of him. He didn’t wake up and I took the opportunity to stare at his sleeping face for a minute. He always seemed so serious and worried when he was awake, but his sleeping face was relaxed and free from all those cute little worry wrinkles that seemed to be permanently on his face since all this started.

I leaned down and I kissed him. His lips were warm and soft, I worked my mouth against them trying to slowly coax him awake. After a couple seconds I felt his lips start kissing me back and I couldn’t help but smile and deepen this kiss. Soon his hands found their way to my back and slid up to my shoulders and his right hand raked through my hair.

I pulled back and he was smiling sleepily at me.

“Good morning,” he said trying to keep his eyes open, it was the cutest thing in the world.

“Good afternoon,” I chuckled. “Sorry to wake you up in the middle of the day but we should probably get going,” I said feeling my nerves and fear settle back into place as I said it out loud.

“Right,” he said sitting up and I rolled off of him.

We got dressed in silence. I could see Nick sending me worried glances and I wanted to say something so he wouldn’t worry but that was really difficult when I was freaking out in my head. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if my pack rejected me, my wolf wouldn’t either. The pack was all I had ever known, those people were my family, friends, neighbors, support system, mentors. I looked up them and I worked hard to be the best wolf I could be for them. I had lost my parents a long time ago, but they all became like my mothers and fathers. Stacy was like my sister and Colin was like my big brother, always teasing me and showing me up. Jack was like my little brother, I tried to teach him as much as I could and I always looked out for him. No one could mess with him without having to deal with me.

I wondered how they were all doing without me. Did they assume I was gone and move on? Did they think I was dead? Were Colin and Stacy looking out for Jack like I’d asked?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Nick looking at me sadly.

“It’s going to be ok, they’re going to be happy you’re alive, they won’t abandon you Wes.”

I listened but something inside me couldn’t believe it. It was unheard of for a wolf to run away from their pack, especially a hunter. I was part of the backbone of the pack and I worked hard for that position. I doubt I would be able to keep that title now.

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