Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 – Wesley

I sat on the bed and waited for Nick to text back. I remember him saying something about a meeting today so I wasn’t sure when he would be free but I had to talk to him and it had to be tonight. Who knows if I would even be allowed to keep my phone tomorrow.

Just the thought of having to give up my only connection to Nick had me choking out another sob. I felt like an utter idiot, sitting here crying over a man like some pathetic drama queen. I was a strong hunter wolf that shouldn’t be crying over anything, much less a guy.

I heard a knock at the door and I assumed it was Stacy so I yelled for her to come in.

“It’s me,” I heard a male voice at the door and looked up.

It was Colin. I hurriedly tried to wipe the tears away from my eyes because now I felt even more embarrassed than before but I knew it was too late.

“Hey man, I know you have to go away but it won’t be forever, it’s only temporary,” he said coming over and sitting next to me on the bed. He put an arm around me and I knew he was trying to comfort me but it only reminded me of who I would rather be with right now.

“It’s not that Colin,” I heard Stacy’s voice from the door and she came and sat down next to me on my other side.

“Where’s Jack,” I asked but I was just trying to deflect from Stacy’s comment, Colin didn’t know yet and I still didn’t know how he would react.

“He’s passed out on the couch and stop trying to work around it, Colin should know Wesley,” she said rubbing my back but I was just get more nervous, should I really tell him?

“Know what?” he asked concerned and I figured if I couldn’t tell my two best friends what chance did I have of telling anyone else later. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

“I have a mate,” I said and let out a breath. It wasn’t the whole truth but it was a start.

“Dude that’s great! Who is she? I’m sure if you tell the Alpha he won’t send you away with the rest,” he said excitedly and I knew I should have told him the whole truth right away because his assumptions were giving me a headache.

“It’s a guy,” I told him, another small part to the truth that I knew wouldn’t send him over the edge just yet.

“Find yourself a cute little omega then? Oh man, it’s not Jack is it?” he asked glancing towards the stairs. I just shook my head.

“No, he doesn’t belong to the pack,” I said looking down, I should just come right out and tell him.

“Is that why you don’t want anyone to know? Is it a human who doesn’t know about us? Just ease them into it, we can help-“

“He’s a vampire Colin,” I let it out but I couldn’t bring myself to look at his eyes.


I could hear Stacy’s steady breath and beating heart next to mine, I could hear my erratic heart and lack of breath while I waited for Colin to say something. I could hear Colin’s heart. Steady like a drum but somehow louder than usual. I could hear his breathing. It started slow and then started to speed up, deep breathes followed by a rapid exhale. I knew that pattern.

“Tell me this is some horrible joke Wes,” I could hear the anger in his voice and while my wolf wanted to face it head on and defend our mate, I was cowering at the thought of losing one of my best friends. I didn’t have any family left in this world, but I did have Stacy and Colin, I couldn’t bear losing either of them.

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