The Art World

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Max, Chloe, Sean and Daniel stood next to passage that led out of the redwood forest, facing back into the camp at their newly found friends. People that they really could trust in this world. People that they'd never forget.

"I hope we'll get to see each other again," Sean said, scratching the back of his head.

Cassidy began to beam. "I'm sure we will. We always seem to bump into one another."

"Oh, we definitely will. I ain't letting you get away that easily, Sean," Finn said with a wink, passing him his bag.

"Thanks, Finn. I'm gonna miss you guys."

"Yeah, totally," Daniel added, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"And we'll miss you, too. Thanks for the good times, and good luck out there," Hannah said her goodbyes, waving them off as she walked towards her tent.

Chloe looked behind her at the passage. "Well, better go find the car. I hope no punk decided to steal the piece of shit."

"Yeah. Thanks, guys, for everything," Max waved as the four of them walked off together, setting out for their brand new adventure. It was about time for them to leave, anyway. Max was starting to contract an anxious feeling after hikers spotted them and said that they recognised the boys. It was dangerous enough being with them, but if they were with them in the eye of the police? Max didn't even want to imagine what they'd go through. They had to get them to Puerto Lobos.

They made it out of the forest and back onto the concrete, which they hadn't stepped foot on for a few weeks at least. It was a strange sensation for them, reminding them of society and civilisation after being on the brink of it all for so long.

"Where the hell is my truck?" Chloe said, looking around with a hint of worry embedded within her usual passive-aggressive tone.

Max looked around, trying hard to remember. "We parked it right next to a small fence, we must be on the wrong side of the forest."

"Fuck sake," Chloe brought her hands to her face and moaned.

"My feet are hurting from walking," Daniel said, shrugging his bag off and dropping to the floor with it.

Chloe rolled her eyes before turning away from the group, trying to imagine where they could be. "If we just walk down this road, it should take us to the little car park."

They managed to muster the strength to carry on down the road together, albeit with Daniel's complaining ringing in their ears the entire way there, but when they finally saw the car, they all sighed with relief.

"Thank God no one stole it," Max said, placing her right hand on her chest as if she were able to breathe again.

"Yeah, well... Who would wanna take that old thing?" Chloe gestured towards it.

"Hey, you love your little car," Max defended it. "And I do, too."

"I know, I know. I can't imagine dragging any other old tonne of metal on the road."

Finally, they piled into the car together, just as they always had done. They were getting closer and closer to their destination, and yet they still hadn't managed to figure out how Max and Daniel's powers came into existence, and more specifically, how they were bestowed upon them.

It was a question that lingered at the back of their minds, almost at all times. Why them, of all people? As Chloe started up the car, she noticed that they were dangerously low on fuel.

"We're gonna head to the nearest gas station and then head South, towards Arizona. San Francisco anyone?" she grinned as she nudged Max whose smile wavered slightly as she thought about it.

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