No Man's Land

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After leaving San Francisco, the group continued onwards towards their next destination. Arizona was next on the list, they were getting so close to Puerto Lobos, Sean could only imagine what it'd be like. His father explained that it was a beautiful coastal town with sparkling sand and the most beautiful ocean water he'd ever seen. Sean had only seen pictures, but he knew it sounded perfect for him and Daniel. They could grow there together, start a business, live their lives, Daniel would have to learn Spanish and go to school there, but it'd be easy for him to settle in eventually.

"And submitted, let's hope it's good enough," Max said, her heart aching with anticipation.

"If they don't accept you, they can go fuck themselves. You're badass, Max. If they don't like it then they're either blind or high. Or both," Chloe responded, admiring the red canyons and desert as far as the eye could see.

Max let a laugh escape her lips. "Yeah, they can go fuck themselves," she grinned.

"That's what I'm talking about! Fuck those losers!" Chloe continued to hype her friend up.

She was now laughing and shaking her head. "You're a piece of work, you know that, Chloe?"

"Love you, too."

Sean was feeling more and more nervous the closer they got to Mexico. Pretty soon he was going to be responsible for Daniel again, all by himself. Having his little brother's life in his hands was scary as hell for him, but with Daniel's powers, they couldn't ever be in proper danger, right?

"Chloe, my butt really hurts. Can we stop off somewhere soon?" Daniel moaned.

"Yeah, sure. We have been in this damn car all day, I'm getting sick of it. You guys owe me so much for gas, it's unreal."

"We'll pay you back someday," Sean said.

"Yeah, you'd better. You owe hella cash."

"Speaking of gas," Max trailed off, pointing towards the gas tank display.

"Oh, shit..."

Just as Max pointed it out, the car began to slow down in the middle of the road, in the middle of nowhere until it came to a full halt.

"Shitballs..." Chloe lightly headbutted the steering wheel. "Alright, everyone out," she ordered as they exited the vehicle, standing in the road. The air was hot, almost like it was mid-day again. At night, the warm air just felt more humid and tight rather than fresh.

"I need a pee so I'm just gonna..." Daniel walked onto the sand and behind a red rock.

Chloe sighed. "I'm never having kids, they're gross."

"You'll miss him when he's gone," Max nudged her.

A car began to drive down the road from the way that they'd come. The three of them moved behind their car and signalled for the driver to go around. But the driver didn't move, in fact, they stepped out the car and looked on at the three in front of them, shortly joined by a fourth.

"Chloe? Max?" the man almost whispered, his voice slightly raspy.

"David?" Chloe stepped towards him, blinded by his headlights.

"Holy shit..." Max said, looking on at the man in front of them.

Chloe began to tear up slightly as David brought her in for a hug.

"You're alive?! Why didn't you call?" she said, stepping back.

He looked a little embarrassed and somewhat guilty as his eyes looked down at the road. "I'm sorry, I was so scared to contact you, I thought you'd be mad."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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