Old Faces

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Laughter filled the midnight air, overshadowing the steady beat of music in the background as a crackling firepit surrounded by friends and acquaintances alike dazzled in the moonlight. Hanging lights strung between trees swayed in the light Californian breeze as the chatter began to die down and the strum of a guitar replaced the now turned off music.

Her friends smiled in awe at her ability to play, and she grinned at her moment in the spotlight. She played a familiar tune, one that she had been practising for months now, possibly even longer, she didn't keep track of time anymore. It didn't matter to her, the only thing that mattered was the here and now, the present. Any weights of responsibility, fear or worries washed away as the acoustic tune brought everyone together that night.

Max and Chloe steadily swayed on their bench together, both smiling away at the atmosphere created. Chloe had her left arm around Max's neck, her hand drooped gently on her shoulder and her other occupied by a bottle of beer that constantly reached for her mouth.

After a few minutes, Cassidy finally finished, looking up after her final note, grinning as her friends began to cheer around her, Finn nudging her shoulder as she then set it down behind her.

"Thank you, thank you," she performed a small flourish-like bow from her seated position.

"That was awesome, Cassidy," Sean complimented her, offering her a can of beer to celebrate her success as people began to agree around them.

"Encore!" Finn then yelled, followed by a husky laugh as he swigged another drink from his bottle.

Daniel then tapped his shoulder. "What does encore mean?"

"The night's still young, Cass," Sean encouraged her.

She began to blush ever so slightly. "No, no, no. I think I've bestowed enough of my magic for one night," she joked, opening the can and taking a sip.

"Hey, Max, why don't you take a turn?" Chloe asked her friend suddenly went wide-eyed.

"Oh, no, I can't play like that..." she trailed off.

"You play, too? How have I never heard of this before?" Cassidy began to reach behind her and pick up the guitar, sending Max's heart plunging into her stomach.

She then looked at the faces around her. Specifically at the people that she hadn't known for long such as Jake and Penny, both outcasts in their own ways, she hadn't gotten to know them well, but they seemed nice enough. Then there was Hannah, who was a little like Chloe, being very stand-offish and almost rude towards people she didn't know, Sean in particular.

"Well, not properly, just for fun-" but before she could continue, a guitar was placed in her hands. It had been a while since she'd last played. And that lovely guitar that she'd recieved for her birthday many years ago now was lost to the same thing that took her home away from her.

"Go ahead, show us what you got!" Cassidy inspired her, eager to see what she would play.

Max held it in position, shifting away from Chloe slightly for more room as her best friend placed a hand on her shoulder for a second before removing it. Max began to strum the first few notes of one of her favourite songs, "Crosses", it was one she'd practiced for years, usually playing it along to the music in her room.

"Oh, I know this one!" Cassidy then lit up, smiling at the music choice, making Max beam in return. She felt her heart constrict and bounce and fly all at once as she played for the group, her hand shaky especially towards the start, nearly causing her to make a few mistakes here and there. But as the music carried her, she played it straight from memory.

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