Beaver Creek

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As they loaded into the car that morning after getting dressed and eating in the nearby café, they mapped out where to go next on their journey to Puerto Lobos.

"Okay... Next on the map... Beaver Creek?" Chloe looked down at it, frowning at the map as she inspected its crinkled display.

Max leaned over Chloe's shoulder, causing her to swiftly move the map over to the right so that Max could see better.

"Hmm..." Max made an unsure hum, studying the map as she traced with her finger down to Beaver Creek.

Sean looked over at it, wide-eyed with realisation as he then suppressed his facial expression.

"Sean?" Daniel asked, confusion present in his tone. "What's wrong?"

Max and Chloe turned to look at him.

"What? Nothing, I just-"

"Ooh look!" Daniel interrupted suddenly. "It's got a church!" he pointed to the church on the map.

Sean looked out the window to the right in thought, over at the road as cars rushed by in the early morning hours, the voices to the left of him blurring together into a muffled mess as it faded out of existence, his eyes fixed on the white lines down the middle of the never-ending concrete.

Max's smile faded slightly as she took in Daniel's comment, it reminded her of someone, someone so sweet and innocent that she missed dearly. After trying so hard to change everything, it had turned out very different from how she originally intended.

Their journey took nearly all day (with Daniel asking to stop off at every significant location) and in the Winter spirit, day sunk as night rose, the dark night sky lit up with small twinkling lights that always somewhat caused Max to zone out and forget her surroundings.

"Yo, Max?" A voice came from her left suddenly.

Max's head shook slightly as she came to her senses. "Yeah?" she tried to pretend as if she were wide awake.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Earth to Maxine, Earth to Maxine. Do you copy?" she smirked, knowingly.

"Oh I copy, alright," she replied, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

Max looked over to her right, Daniel asleep against Sean's arm as he, too, was sleeping against the window.

"Don't you dare fall asleep on me. I need my trusty navigator."

"Don't worry, I won't fall asleep like you do on me during movies," she said effortlessly, only half awake.

"It was one time! And then again during Blair Witch Project... and then-"

Max's eyes drifted upwards to create a sleepy eye roll. "I rest my case."

"Also, you did not fall asleep during Blair Witch. We were both shit scared and didn't sleep for ages," Max remembered vividly, under blankets in the living room when Joyce walked in and turned it off, furious at the both of them for watching a movie that wasn't rated PG or under.

Chloe let out a chuckle at the memory. "We did get busted by mom," she reminded Max.

"She didn't let us have a movie at our sleepovers for weeks after that," Max laughed, too, feeling herself drifting off every so often and shaking herself awake before she could fall into the empty silence of sleep.

Out of the corner of her half-shut eye, she saw Chloe turn to look at her and then back at the road again.

"Get some rest," she sighed.

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