#25 *Silently screaming* (silence pt.2)

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Requests are closed until further notice :) [Inner me: But what if mute Y/n had claustrophobia? Because her last experience with being closed in made her lose a part of herself she never got to experience- Also Me: shut up no please I have a ton of other stuff to do- bUT WHAT IF-]

"So what exactly do we call dolls that don't speak?" Lou was walking you to your new home. You tapped your chin and thought for a bit before shrugging. "I wanted the first completely quiet doll to tell me." he chuckled lightly.  You grabbed your small notepad (gift from Lou) and began scribbling 'how about an inside joke?' you wrote.

"You were literally born today. It's a miracle you caught on so fast-" He stopped himself mid-sentence and began to think. He stopped in his tracks and you bumped into him. A sudden smile washed his face as he had a 'eureka' moment. "Your a mute!" He hugged you and twirled you around. Your faced showed that you were laughing. When he placed you down, you quickly wrote 'what does it mean?'

 He smiled brightly, "It's a mix of two words. Your a walking miracle for surviving the broken machine. And cu-" He stopped himself mid-sentence as his face flushed in embarrassment. You realized what he meant to say and blushed furiously before walking faster. He quickly showed you your new home and walked you to the door.

"Seemabot will come by in the morning to help you prepare for the lesson. It's best to wake up early because the bots have no compassion button." He quipped to lighten the mood. You giggled and opened the door to your new home. You yawned and rubbed your eyes tiredly. This was a crazy first day of being a doll.

You thanked Lou and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek as appreciation for helping you. You didn't notice his smile as he touched the cheek you kissed. He walked back to his mansion in a happy daze.


A few weeks have passed since you first started working with Lou. It took a while for students to get used to you, but they were starting to understand your constant charades and writing. Some even went out to become friends with you. Yes, it seemed life was starting to get on track.

Except for one doll.

Tuesday knew the chances of Lou and her getting together were slim (very slim), but seeing her dream shatter by someone who wasn't even complete made her blood boil. She wiped the tears from her eyes when she saw Lou's smile when you kissed him, and since then has planned for ways to get you out of the picture.

"Tues, give it up he's moved on go to sleep." Kitty lazily threw her pillow down at the blue-haired doll. She caught it and threw it back. Midnight scheming probably wasn't the best idea. "Just please turn off the light while you plan something." Lydia groaned and rolled from her middle bunk. "But I need to find a way to wipe Y/n out!" Tuesday pouted. Instantly the two girls shot up from their triple bunk bed and gave wide eyes to Tuesday. (I want them to have a triple bunk bed, sue me.)

"You want to kill her? Girl that's dark!" Lydia whisper-screamed. Tuesday was baffled, "What? No! No killing! Who said killing?" "You literally said you want to wipe her out." Kitty jumped from the top bunk to the floor to knock sense into her. "No I just want her, like, away. Y'know?" Tuesday couldn't form the words. The two friends gave each other look before nodding hesitantly.

"Whatever, just goodnight." Tuesday huffed and crawled to her bottom bunk. Kitty turned off the light and poked Lydia before jumping to her top bunk. The purple haired dolls growled and kicked the top. A bit of small bickering later and the trio was fast asleep.


"Today we're learning how to keep clean in the toybox. As you know, when it's 'clean up time' you'll get thrown into a bin similar to this-" Lou points to big plastic bin you were leaning on. It was about as big as three dolls up and five dolls across. (*coughs* not sure why I measured it like that but lol) "You are going to experience other toys thrown in with you. Dirtier toys. You must try your best to avoid these with being seen as moving. To demonstrate, Y/n is going to be inside the box while small objects surround her. Avoid them like she does so the next time your child plays with you, you will look perfect."

"We installed a camera inside the bin so we can see what you do." He looked at you while addressing the class. You nodded as Lou helped you jump in the bin. Once inside you tapped on the wall to signal you were ready, He pressed a button and Dirk climbed a ladder to close the bin and began throwing objects in.

You dodged everything with ease and made it look effortlessly. When Dirk finished he closed the bin completely and climbed back down next to Lou. The camera was still going but by now most of the students attention went back to Lou, as he continued to explain the rest of the lesson. You looked around the bin and began to panic. The walls seemed to be closing in on you and you couldn't catch your breath. 

You quickly climbed above the other object and tried to open the box to no avail. By now you were hyperventilating. You screamed for Lou to help you but a single squeak came out. You tried to make your way to the wall but the objects wouldn't budge. Everything closed in and you couldn't signal for help. You grabbed whatever was around you and threw it to the top to attract attention.

"LOU!" A student screamed in panic and pointed at the screen. Everyone started at the screen in shock. You were huddled in a ball with only your fist softly banging on the lid. Tears streaked your face and your vision began to blur. "Get her out of there NOW!" Lou shouted as Dirk sped through and popped off the lid. He stretched his arms to grabbed you and held you close before slowly taking you to Lou.

"Class dismissed! Leave!" Lou barked. Everyone quickly left there seats except Tuesday. She stood silent for a moment and slowly walked away. (since when do I write angsty? what?) Lou was about to hold you but you scrambled out of Dirk's grip and ran to open air. You were trying to get air. Soft gasps and wheezes were the only sounds that left your throat.

"Hey it's ok. I'm here your safe." Lou whispered and held your hand. You squeezed it tightly and closed your eyes. "Breath in and count to three ok? On three, you breath out." He waited for you to nod as he began to count. You breathed in deeply and breathed out shakily. You hated seeming so weak. Lou sensed this and hugged you close, "Your not weak." 

You hugged him tightly as he ran his hands through your hair to calm you down. He couldn't bear the thought of seeing you terrified. It nearly destroyed him from the inside when he realized it was his fault. He slowly let go and looked at your pained face. He made a decision. 

He clenched his jaw and turned away so he wouldn't face you, "As of today, you are no longer teaching." You quickly turned him around and tried to speak 'you can't Lou please!' . Your eyes became glossy. His voice became dull and strained, "You will not participate as a student." You were practically screaming at his face. But no sound came out. You were pounding your fists on his chest and tears flowed out once more.

His voice cracked as what little words he could muster. "You are forbidden from ever going to the Big World." 

You froze and looked at his eyes. He wouldn't look at you. You gathered as much anger, and sadness, and strength you could to voice the last words. You cupped his face so he could look at you. You glared with such fury he flinched. You enunciated every word.

"I Hate You." You mouthed before running away. A single tear left his face before saying to himself, " I do too."


remember you are loved >:) lol also sorry but I'm trying to rush through every request I have so you can't ask for a part 3 (yet...)

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