#13 1(.5)k!!! Baking show

1.6K 41 120

Baker AU (Also human)

Hahaha I got my sister wrapped in this and she wants a baking show so *slap* here ya go. :D THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!!AGHHHHHH *deep breath* anyway...hope you enjoy          I was going to post this right after 1k but it was taking while and the number just kept getting higher and i had to change the title and just...I love you all :')

Yo this is a long one oh my- (words {altogether} 3849?!?!)

I suggest you do not read this if you are hungry. :) 

Lights flashed the studio awake as the audience cheered for the camera. Spotlights gleamed in different directions and met to face a grinning woman. She waved at the camera and blew a few kisses to the audience before greeting them.

"WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER AMAZING EPISODE OF 'THE BIG WORLD, BABY!'" She shouted enthusiastically. The crowd clapped and screamed like all audiences do. She flashed her award-winning smile before continuing, "Today we have four new teams competing to win a $100,000 check and have their dessert served at the 'The Big World'. One of the most coveted (not to mention expensive) hotels in the entire world!" The woman laughed and walked towards the contestants.

"Each of these bakers has made sacrifices to make it here. Let's start with our first team 'Perfectly Irresistible!" She sang. A spotlight appeared on a trio. A man with blond hair combed to the side grinned widely and winked at the cameras. A few girls from the audience were heard swooning and sighing. 

Next, was another man, slightly taller than the first, with emerald eyes and his long, hunter green hair in a bun. His bangs covered one of his eyes so he would constantly blow it out of the way. His smile held hope and gratitude for making it this far. 

And lastly, a man with no emotion etched in his face. Who smiled slightly seeing the camera and waved before returning to his original state. He was not as tall as the green-haired man, but was taller than the blue-eyed one.

"Hello there! Mind telling us your names?" The host smiled and handed the blond man a mic. He chuckled lightly before responding, "I'm Louis Jonas. You may have seen me around a few magazines." He flashed a celebrity smile before continuing. "I'm here today with my right-hand man Oxford. You can call him Ox and lastly Dirk. He doesn't talk much." He motioned to Dirk, who just shrugged and smiled. The host giggled and looked at the camera again.

"Well, glad to meet you! But I have to move on to the others now. Good luck boys!" She waved goodbye and walked to the second team. "Next up, Creative Creations! Tell us your names ladies and gentleman!"

The first one smiled shyly and grabbed the mic. "Hi! I'm Y/n L/n and these are my best pals Mandy and Nolan. We are super excited to be here and we're glad we made it this far." You held your head high. The first team looked very professional so you were worried at first until you remembered, "Well duh I'm a professional too!" Your team members smiled brightly and waved at the audience.

"Our third team is a ragtag crew just starting out, but managed to fight their way to the top. Please welcome "Fiery Flaws!" A girl with hair as bright as the pink flower on her headband grinned widely. "Hi! I'm suuuuper excited to be here! We are here to show that despite our background and appearance, we are just as good as the rest!" She stated proudly, puffing out her chest. She realized what she did and smacked her head, "Oh haha I'm sorry I'm Moxy Clarkson these are my teammates, the one with the sassy glare is Wage and the guy eating from the sugar pantry is Babo." The one called Babo took his head out of the cupboard and waved to the crowd, before searching through again.

"Haha that's great. Hey Babo you can't look through there the competition hasn't started." The host smiled weakly. Babo blushed and nodded slowly, returning with his group sheepishly. "And last but certainly not least please welcome "Baking in Style!" Three girls looked innocently at the crowd, blowing kisses and winking at the audience. 'Lol camera shy? never heard of it' you thought to yourself sarcastically.

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