#18 New Girl pt.2

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Hey yall! So the votes led to *drumroll* French and Tech class! So a quick recap of your schedule is: (I just copied and pasted it again lol) BUT with the new classes

English-Mr.Bot/Dirk (with Nolan and Lou)

Chemistry-Ms.Bot/Indi (Nolan)

Math-Mr.Bot/Seamie (Mandy)

P.E- Mr.Kogane/Keef lol actually Keith (Lou and sQuAd)

History- Mr.Warner/Yakko *Yakko's world intensifies* (Lou,Nolan,Mandy)

French-Mr.Hunter/Shawn (if yall get this ily) (no one because that's how life works)

Technology-Ms.Holt/Katie (you'll see)

Also this is completely random but I've had it on my mind for a while. Is Louis his actual name? Like, Moxy didn't know him she might have just thought Lou=Louis. What if his names Lucas? Or Lucius? Luke? Luis? LOUIE?! AM I OVERTHINKING? (most likely)

ALSO EXACTLY HOW OLD IS THE DOLL LINE? You know how some brands are like "Established in 19 yada yada" So how old would the toy line be? More importantly, how old is Lou? He's been there for the whole thing (theoretically[before Lou was there another prototype?]) So would he be like Steve Rogers? Saying old slang (doll may or may not count lol) like "bee's knees" [I'm wheezing] or call the bots "coppers?" call you a dame? Would it slip out like Ox's accent?(I'm sorry for some bizarre reason I heard the slang in his voice but a Jersey accent? What???)

Im googling all the slang from the 1900's and came across "Doll Dizzy" which means girl crazy and I think that's absolutely adorable. I WANT A 1950'S AU WITH LOU!!!PLEASE I BEG ANY OF YOU (i'll do it too XD)TAG ME SO I CAN READ  Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk and BACK TO WHAT YOU CAME FOR-


The rest of your first day went by pretty smoothly. Lou even managed to convince the teacher for you to sit with him. Which didn't actually take much convincing, since Mr. Warner had major concentration problems. When Lou wasn't with his squad, he was actually pretty nice and funny, though his ego could use a check. 

Nolan and Mandy were too busy goofing off together to notice you looking at them. You smiled to yourself and went back to writing a few notes. Mr. Warner would unconsciously tap his foot rapidly when he stood still longer than a minute. It was starting to frustrate a few students including yourself, but you all knew he couldn't help it. Besides that, class sped through and the bell rang again.

You started to stuff your notes in your satchel and waved bye to your friends before walking off. You felt a small tap on your shoulder and turned to face Lou again. He smiled slightly and handed you a small note before giving a two-finger salute and walking off. You held your gaze at his retreating figure and observed the folded paper.

You walked to your French class and unfolded the paper between glances, trying not to bump into anyone again. You stopped in front of the door and quickly read the note he gave you:

"Only if you have questions for school. Unless you want more than a tutor ;)"

Along with a phone number, which you took a fat guess and registered it as his.

This day just kept getting better and better.

You sat in your seat, boredom etched all over your face. You didn't really know anyone and your boldness was long gone. The only entertainment was a few girls fawning over Mr.Hunter, who clearly had absolutely no interest in them whatsoever.

 In fact, he wrote on the board, "Teacher-student relations: Do's and Don'ts" in French, hoping they would get the hint. They did not, to your amusement. He then sighed a dramatic sigh, took a giant swig from his coffee mug and dismissed the class, saying it was too early to deal with these antics.

Lou x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now