#33 Trapped? pt.2

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Ok I have a big question before we begin. Ya'll know this book won't last forever. My goal is to make it reach at least 50-100 chapters lol yeah its a lot. But I wanted to know if I should try to make reader inserts either with Uglydolls side characters (Ox, Nolan, Michael, Babo-) Or any character you want! Put a request here and I'll post it in my yellow book (Someone you Loved)>>>

Hopefully this helps me improve on writing

Here we go!

You grumbled and curled on your side of the bed, trying not to be too close to Lou's side. "Stop moving the bed so much." He groaned and tugged the blanket closer to him. You scoffed and tried to keep yourself warm. It was going to be a loooong night. 

A few minutes passed by as your eyelids fluttered closed. Lou on the other hand, couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the new surroundings, the unexpected guest on the bed, or the fact that he wasn't used to a blanket so light. Either way, he was restless but he had the decency not to keep you awake with him.

He wasn't sure what it was, but you were different than the others. More annoying, stubborn, narrow-minded, charming, funny, cute-. He stopped his thoughts in their tracks and rubbed his eyes in frustration. 'That is so not happening' he tried to convince himself. At that moment you yawned and rolled to his side, your arm across his chest. He swore he could see his face glowing red. 'Oh no'

He gulped loudly and tried to push your arm away. You unconsciously whimpered and put it back, making you scoot closer. He cursed under his breath and shoved you away. You growled and rolled even closer to him. His eyes widened at your weird sleeping habits and decided it was best to just wake you up.

"Hey Imperfection." He shook your shoulder. Nothing happened. He scoffed and tried to shove you to your side to no avail. With a dead expression he poked your rib. You opened one of your eyes and yawned, "What do you want Blondie?" Lou boggled with a good excuse on what to say besides, 'Hey I can't sleep and I'm sorting my feelings out while you literally throw yourself at me."

"Yea uhh you were snoring and it was getting kind of loud so I woke you up before you wake up the kid...girl..child person up there." He awkwardly pointed to the over-sized bed a few hundred feet from you two. You looked at him and at the child for a few moments. "Pfft I don't snore but ok." you mumbled and plopped back on your side. He breathed a sigh of relief and covered himself in the blanket again.

What seemed like hours had past and Lou could feel the energy from himself draining by the second. He walked around the little house and observed everything. Arranged a bit of furniture and straightened out a few frames taped to the wall. The entire time he kept glancing at the sleeping child. 'Should I?' was the question that plagued his mind.

He looked back at you, who was sleeping soundly and taking up the entire bed. He held his breath and took a step closer to the giant bed. His heart was practically pounding out of his chest as we walked closer. Today could be the day. His day...technically  night.

He walked faster and faster until we was sprinting to the edge of the bed. Years of training with the Gauntlet had paid off, because he jumped over shoes, slid behind books, and climbed up pieces of clothing to the toy box. He has honestly never felt so free. He used all his strength to climb up the edge of the bed. He stood at the feet of the little girl.

You rolled to the side and fell of the bed. A small yelp escaped and you groggily stood up. You looked at the bed and saw that Lou wasn't there. Instantly, you whipped your head in all directions and ran around the doll house. "Louis!" You whispered harshly. You ran out of the little house and found a small figure up the bed.

"Lou! Stop!" You called again, a little louder. Lou stiffened and turned in your direction. His eyes showed hesitation. He clenched his fists and walked towards the sleeping child. You gasped and and climbed up the wooden frame of the bed. The frame was smooth and hard to get a good grip on, but you trudged on. You blocked out the thought of heights creeping into your mind (If i'm afraid of heights so are you smh-)

Just as you reached the flat surface your grip weakened and you slipped and slammed against the hard wood. You yelped in pain and tried to pick yourself up. Lou quickly turned to the small commotion and ran to see what happened. You were dangling like a rag and he wasn't sure what to do. He looked back at the sleeping girl, undisturbed and peaceful. Everything he ever wanted was so close he could practically touch it.

Your whimpers snapped him out of his thoughts. He turned to you and locked eyes for a moment. But that was all he needed. He saw many emotions going through you. Pain, anger, fear. But in that was hope. Hope that he would choose you. 

So he did.

He ran to you fell to his knees to grab your hand. He tightened his grip and slowly pushed you up. The adrenaline inside you launched as you practically jumped to hug him, he could hear your heart leaping inside. He absent-mindedly hugged you back, he still wasn't sure what exactly happened. He could have had everything he wanted, why did he do that?

You wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered thank you's. You faced him and grinned, your eyes sparkling in the moonlight. He felt something inside of him change. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but it made him feel complete. The two of you stayed in your hugging position for a few more seconds before you realized what you were doing. Both faces a dark crimson, the two pulled away and laughed nervously.

"Thank you Lou. I mean it." You told him genuinely.  

He looked away and smiled, "What are friends for?" 

"Since when are we friends?"

"Since I saved your life, genius."

"I wouldn't say you saved my life-"

"Do you want me to put you on that ledge again."

"Shut up. Let's go back to the dolls house."

Lou helped you get down first and made you look at him so you wouldn't look at the ground. You noticed that at times when it really mattered. He could be kind. Even if he was still an ego obsessed, narcissistic, hard-headed, sweet guy with the most amazing eyes-. 

"Nope nope nope." you accidently said aloud. Lou looked at you weirdly but kept his focus on helping you down the makeshift rope made of clothes. You flushed with embarrassment at your mistake and jumped to the ground. Lou followed soon after.

You plopped yourself on your side and wished Lou goodnight. He returned the gesture and turned to his side. He heard your breathing steady and realized that you must have been drained from the day before. And that the adrenaline probably left. He turned and faced the plastic ceiling. He felt himself falling asleep and closed his eyes.

A bit of movement made him stir and he noticed that you had moved right beside him, you arm wrapped around his waist, a hum of content coming out of you. He looked at you for a second before holding you closer and placing his chin on top of your head. He fell asleep almost instantly, small smiles on both of your faces.

AGAGAGAGA FLUFF! Also I think i explored a bit more of Lou's thoughts and emotions in this one so that's cool. Lol remember you are loved <3

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