#39 Christmas Special

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I’m speedrunning this boi.

Behind the scenes after this chap along with the questions from months ago lol

Moxy arose from her bed with a start,
“Todays the day!” she was filled with joy in her heart
Running down the stairs she's greeted with Lou
“Hi neighbor!” she laughs, “How are you?”
“What’s going on? Is this your doing?
Because ever since i woke, rhymes have been spewing”

Lou looked rather aggravated, hair unkempt and a mess
Highly unusual, considering his tidiness.
Moxy was confused, she must not have noticed
The rhymes in her head made her unfocused.

“I didn’t do this. I had just woken up.
Is all Imperfection this way?” she asked, broken up.

Lou nods earnestly, leading the way
Outside her door, chaos was all she could say.
For dolls of all kinds were in disarray.

A few begging, some frantic, a few ranted with no end
But the thing in common was the rhymes they all said.
Y/n ran towards the duo, hands on her head.
“What's going on? Has the town gone mad?”
Lou shrugged rather frightened. This could be bad.

The snowfall was the only good thing at the moment.
The younger dolls not uttering a word, threw snowballs at their opponents
If they could go past these obstacles, so could our heroes!
They’d find the culprit who made them talk like weirdos/

“We gotta find who started this mess!”
Moxy shouted with ernest
The now trio walked the town,
Hoping for success.

On the way, they bumped into Ox
He also spoke in rhyme
He looked rather glum, not much can be brought into conversation with Ox.

“We’ll help you soon buddy” Lou chose his words carefully
Saying the wrong thing could end dreadfully.
What would happen if they chose a word with no rhyme?
That's something they’ll try some other time.

The quartet hiked up the wooly snow mountains
There they found Nolan, freezing by a fountain.
“Why is there a fountain?” Y/n asked with contempt
“It appeared when you got here. Probably storyline,” the freckled boy wept.

“I’m tired, I'm cold, and have no clue why I'm here.
By chance can I join you?” He sniffled with tears.

“Quit the sob story,” Lou spat
“And don’t fall behind,
We have a curse to undo and I'm not sure we have time.”

The quintet past the mountains and walked down the fields
Evergreens, christmas trees, was all this place yields
“Hey by chance y'all hear this narrator?
It seems like we speak in rhyme with them...Mator”
Ox was awful at this rhyming thing

“At least he’s trying!” Y/n grumped, and hit a tree with a swing.
A swing as in punching, if that was unclear
Hitting with a wooden swing would be quite queer.

They searched all day round the world, but to no avail
Could find a reason why they spun these weird tales

The other dolls had given up, pretty and ugly alike
Decided Christmas was better spent then on adventures so trite.
“Christmas is almost over” Moxy’s head drooped low

“And we spent it like this, man this blows”
Y/n smiled at their cheerless group
“C’mon guys it’s not so bad,
We spent it together, the best christmas i've had”

“She’s right!” Lou beams, pulling her close
“Christmas is about friends, and those who love you the most”

They headed back home and to their surprise they found
Everyone had gathered in Wage’s compound.
Michael opened the door, fully dressed in winter wear.

“Guys c’mon it's freezing out here and Wage made some hot cocoa.” He gestured to the house and smiled.

The group was baffled. How could this be?
“You’re not rhyming!” they shouted with glee.

“Oh yeah, while you guys were playing Dr.Seuss out there, me and Lucky found out the snow made everyone talk weird so we went inside and warmed up. Good as new.Thats what happens when you play hero too much.” He crossed his arms and smirked at beating them unintentionally.

“Well that was anticlimactic” Nolan shrugged and walked inside.
“One cocoa for me!” Y/n shook off the snow from her sides.

“But what's with the narrator?” asked Lou, left confused.

“To be honest I have no idea, but it's better we don't question it and you come in before you speak Shakespeare.”


Wage was fast asleep by the fireplace, after hosting and baking, she had finally reached her limit and curled up in a corner to rest. Babo shook his head at his overworked best friend and draped a blanket he had on his pocket over her. Gently, he put his present on her lap and walked away with a smile.

The Tenors sang drunkenly to the songs of Maria Carey, if it wasn’t for the heavy amounts of cider they chugged in the contest they would have sounded pretty good. Wedgehead walked around with a tray on her head, guests taking a glass of cider from the top as she talked with Uglydog about their resolutions for the next year, and the biggest parties they would throw.

Lucky had gotten a pair of remote controlled wings from Ice Bat, which he used to fly around the Christmas tree. Tuesday threw away all the mistletoe, Lydia raided the fridge and Kitty played the piano while Howie was half asleep on her shoulder.

Michael made a deez nuts joke about the chestnuts they threw in the fire, and Mandy handed him a bag of coal. A few other dolls danced while more just told stories and sat around the fire.

Lou and Y/n stayed huddled together, enjoying the year that had happened. So much has happened. Both changed for the better and there was always room for improvement.
For now, they were happy with what they had and were excited for the next year to come.

Happy holidays everyone!

Hope you enjoyed it, sorry it was short but the next chapter should hopefully be better as i get back in the swing of things lol

ALSO last time i ask i swear XD


Questions for the cast, Uglies,Pretty dolls, Y/n, Lou *smirk smirk*, side characters, Gen, anddd special characters that have been here before!

(SilentReaders you can sit this one out if you want I need others to interact XD, very grateful for you tho thank you :))

K that's all, remember you are loved! (by me, I love you ;)))

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