Chapter 5

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I don't understand how no one noticed the nail. He's literally holding it in plain sight, does no one question where it came from? Is it normal for people who play around with ghosts to just rub nails on their face for them not to notice the sudden appearance of the nail?!

"A ghost is a yurei. Are you listening Mai?" He said receiving an annoyed look from the latter.

Oh ancestors in heaven give me patience but, hurry up before I break something.

"So if a psychic phenomenon is caused by spirits, it would mean that the chirei have a strong connection with the land or it could mean that the spirits have called for the devil. If the phenomenon was caused by a ghost that would mean it was an act by jibakurei." Almost immediately after John finished speaking he was bombarded by the two who were arguing a few seconds ago.

"So don't you think it was caused by a chirei?"

"It's a jibakurei isn't it!?" They both said nearly pouncing on him.

"I can't tell for sure." John said. Nikita wasn't sure whether he really didn't have an opinion or if he was trying to avoid the wrath of one of two in front of him. Either way she pitied him for having to face them. I'm lucky that's not me.

"What do you think?" The question was met with silence. Is he talking to himself?

Her gaze turned back the narcissist, and realised he had been addressing her.

"I think you lot are wasting time about a ghost that doesn't exist! The answer you are all looking for is an enraged hormonal teen who slammed the door on you and lodged a nail in the hinge so that the door got stuck! And for the creaking noises you guys are all calling ghosts are probably because this building wasn't built yesterday! No, it's old, and made of mostly wood. Old rotting wood? Noises. The building could be sinking because the ground where it's foundations are weakening."

Now that was what she would have said. But instead of just serving the facts and getting back to bed, she decided to dumbly say, "Why are you asking me? I'm not one of those professional the old man hired."

Hearing her answer the young man slightly narrowed his eyes and kept the nail in his hand almost mockingly. "No lets hear what you think."

Is this guy purposely dragging this on because of what I did earlier? Right Nikita, remember to take your own advice and not annoy people.

"It could be because this building is old. The hinge is probably rusty and got stuck." She said dismissively with a small shrug, before shoving her hands in her pockets again.

It seemed that no one really did seem to care for her opinion because the second she finished saying it everyone turned away from her. Well everyone except for Mai. Who seemed to be wearing a face that said, "Welcome to the club."

"Anyway I just need to exorcise it, right? I'll take care of it tomorrow. I can't stand being involved in a crappy incident like this one for much longer." Matsuzaki-san said walking out the door. I wonder what she expects to exorcise, but I'm sure it'll be interesting. Wait tomorrow? I have to come here on a Sunday too?

"What a waste, as I said already, there are no spirits here." Oh someone that agrees with me!

"But there are so many so many stories about the building and how do you explain Miko-san getting locked up." Mai said back to the doll like girl.

"That was her overactive imagination." Nikita sweat dropped, she really didn't hold back. What up with all the teenage girls being hostile. Nikita looked back to Mai to see how she would reply, but instead the girl seemed to be deep in thought.

"I've been meaning to ask, have we met before somewhere." Nikita nearly cackled out loud at was occurring in front of her. She didn't know whether this girl was being serious or whether she was trying to flirt with him.

"No... I believe this is the first time."

"Is that right?"

"Naru! The sun is setting!" As soon as she heard those words Nikita's head shot to the window.

This guy told me I was supposed to stay till the old man came. So where is he? I wasted a whole day which I could have spent sleeping and for what?! To watch grown adults squabble!

Nikita trudged towards the the exit without paying attention to what the others where saying. Suddenly something came to mind. "If you see the old man tell him that I waited till sundown for him to get his lazy ass down here. Working me like a slave driver..."

When Nikita finally arrived home she quickly grabbed what was also known as junk food and collapsed onto bed and started to look at lakes that the boy could potentially be run over and thron in. Quite the morbid bedtime story. 

The next morning she had magically woken up earlier than usual and decided that she would have some tea, since she was too lazy to actually make breakfast. And she liked tea

She had work later that day, she was taking over someone's shift, so she had gotten everything ready near the front. She filled her kettle up with water and waiters for it to start to boil.

Cracked glass. Screams. Collapsed person? Blood.

Almost as soon as the vision ended she grabbed her bag and started sprinting towards the old school building. Why am I doing this. Please explain to me why, I decided to leave the kettle on. I'm so lucky I took my keys or else I would have been locked out.

The second the building came into view Nikita sped up trying to reach the building before anything could happened. I don't even run this fast for buy one get one free deals...

She clambered through the open door and saw everyone standing near the Miko who looked as if she had just finished doing an exorcism.

"DOWN! Get down the windows are going to shatter. GET AWAY FROM IT IDIOTS!" She screamed when they stared at her dumbly. It was as if simple instructions were too hard to comprehend with their peas sized brains.

She didn't have enough time to reach the headteacher so Nikita grabbed the Miko pulling her down to the ground making sure to cover the back of her own head as her body covered the women. If nothing happens I swear I'm going to looks like a fool.

Almost as soon as they touched the ground, the glass shattered.

"Are you ok?!"

"She's bleeding!"

Nikita slowly got up, hissing at the stinging sensation on her hands. "&£#% why am I even doing this right now...?" Nikita quickly turned to the Miko making sure she was okay. "Oh good you're fine." A groan from behind her told her that the head might not be.

For the time being it seemed that everyone was to preoccupied to be asking questions about how she knew what was going to happen and she was glad. She had some time to come up with a believable lie.

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