Chapter 1

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Something falling, a scream, blood dripping.

Nikita blinked, once, twice. Her mind blank, an almost certain occurrence after having one of those dreams. She was lucky this time. She still knew who she was and where she was, the dream hadn't disorientated her too much.

Clean sheets beneath her, a boring white ceiling and walls she wasn't allowed to decorate. A sudden blare of noise next to her startled her out of her thoughts. How long has the alarm been ringing?  She questioned as she glanced at the time. The answer, way too long... She was late. Very late. 

With those last thoughts she shot up from bed getting tangled in her sheets, as she landed at the foot of her bed in a heap of linen. Was there anything important happening today for her to have to attend? 


Nikita was running to school with a cereal bar in on hand and a hair tie in the other. She had only managed to brush her hair before she ran out the door last minute, hair flying everywhere as she shoved the last bite of the bar into her mouth then pocketed the wrapper. Finally she had a chance to start braiding her hair. 

Her shoes were slapping against the concrete pavement as she charged through the street looking like something from a slapstick comedy. She had finally mastered the art of braiding her hair while running at full speed last week when she was late, again. This week she might one up that and not bump into anyone. If she was lucky. Key word, lucky. 

So far so good. She thought seeing the school building nearing. She might be able to make it before the bell, or before they closed the gates on her face. If that happened she would have to vault over the side gate or the wall, whichever one seemed the safest to her at that point in time.

A sudden feeling of dread broke her out of her musings causing her to slightly stumble. She was in front of the old school building, the same one she saw in her dream and seeing how she was running late she probably should ignore and move on. What happened in there was none of her business. It wasn't too serious, she could probably stop it from happening, but even if she didn't no one was going to be seriously injured. Probably. 

The low chime of the school bell tipped the metaphorical scales and she against all better judgment changed course for the old school building. 

I'm already late, how much worse could this get? 

Nikita had all but made it through the door when a shriek alerted her. There was a girl with her school's uniform startling back away from a expensive looking piece of equipment and knocking into the shelf behind her. It was going to crush her.

"Kid move!" She said cursing herself as she did some sort of circus trick to push the girl out of the way, but of course Nikita was anything but a lucky person as another person seemed to have the same idea as her. A sharp pain in her head announced the presence of the other individual attempting to save the girl and the two of them collided landing in the way of the rapidly descending shelf. Luckily the shelf was as old as the rest of the building and had started to rot. She should probably also thank the man infront of her as he had somehow managed to shield part of her with his arm. Of course Nikita only realised that after she was in class daydreaming. Not out of the window, she hadn't been that lucky with seating arrangements that term. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean t- are you okay?!" I don't know...

"What's going on in here?" I would like to ask that as well... "Lin can you tell me what happened?" Drip "You're bleeding, can you stand up?" Just like that dream... it happened again, so much for being a saviour Nikita, the only thing you are at this moment is late, and maybe concussed.

No one seemed to notice her laying there. "Urgh" the sound involuntarily left her mouth dragging attention to herself, her stomach mortifyingly maintained that attention when it reminded her that she hadn't eaten breakfast. Maybe if i don't acknowledge it, they wont either.  

"Damn it!" She cursed rubbing her head rubbing her head, and vision swimming around her. Maybe a concussion, probably not? Act cool, nothing is wrong. 

She didn't think she had enough money to spare on hospital bills anyway... She waved away that depressing train of thought and pushed herself out of what was left of the shelf and got up, taking a few experimental steps before looking for her bag and pulling it out. She glanced at her watch not really looking at it before walking out of the building with another set of colourful words leaving her mouth before charging towards school, leaving everyone else to deal with whatever that was.

I know that I've been late for the past few days... weeks, but why am I being called to the principles office.  She thought as she walked towards the principle's office holding a useless ice pack to the head. 

She knocked on the door to the office and waited to be let in. "Come in."

"Good morning sensei."

"Ah, how are you Nikita-san? I called you to ask whether you are free tomorrow? I would like you to show some people to the old school building." Why ask questions if you won't let me answer them?

"Aren't they already there? And sensei I have work tomorrow." Like sleeping in and eating.

"Oh but I was sure my sister said you only worked on the weekdays."

"Oh I must've have forgotten what day it was."

"You should be getting to class now." You could have picked anyone! Anyone! But you had to bother me! What did I do to deserve this?

Surprisingly enough Nikita did manage to get up on time this time, early enough for her to take a shower and light up an incense in front of the shrine before praying as well as eating something sustainable. 

After eating breakfast she donned a pair of jeans and an oversized hoody. It was too cold and early to be making efforts about something she was forced to do. And on the bright side, maybe dressing like a slob would cause the guests to be so offended that the principle would never ask her to do anything ever again. However, she failed to realise that if they were important then the principal himself would have met with them himself and not left her to do it instead. 

She walked past the old school building and saw a black van parked outside with someone sleeping in the back. Well none of my business, I'll just do what I was told and go back to sleep. She told her self as she kept walking towards the school.

In the reception of the school a person seemed to be waiting. "Hello? Are you perhaps the people the old geezer told me to 'escort'?(English) In front of her must have been an angel of some sort. The blond turned towards her direction before smiling. Definitely an angel. She decided squinting against the halo she was seeing behind his head. 

"Yes that would be me. It is a pleasure pleasure to meet you, my name is John Brown"

"The same, my name is Nikita."  She managed to get out while wondering what this angel was doing here.

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