Chapter 14

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She sighed, then sighed again and sighed some more to make it really hit home. 

"You've been sighing for a while." Mai said with a hint of amusement in her otherwise solemn voice. Nikita didn't think she sighed that much, and honestly it was a perfectly reasonable response. The only other option was to run around like a headless chicken and swing from the chandelier.

Back to business though.

Her vision was in fact correct, it's always correct, the bookcase did fall, no it wasn't on Nikita.

Now you may ask. "Nikita, what do you mean you aren't hurt? You did a nose dive of the side of building to save someone, why aren't you underneath some expensive furniture possible knocked out, maybe with memory loss or a concussion?" To be honest, completely honest, she didn't feel like being hindered by bandages again so... she didn't do anything about the vision. Obviously Nikita only came to that decision because she knew about the extent of the injury that was to be caused, she wasn't heartless, just tired.

It feels a little liberating - not diving headfirst into danger because that's the little hitch in my otherwise perfect character. I'm so selfless...

She was getting side tracked. False alarm, no one actually got hurt and Noriko-san is perfectly fine. After the whole debacle, both Mai and her went to talk with Ayami and Noriko-san and it was perfectly enlightening. Or something along those lines because all Nikita could think about was how creepy dolls were these days. This new book she started reading was about dolls being made to look like the deceased and now all Nikita wanted to do was set the doll on fire. Seeing how she was not very good at dealing with children who spoke to dolls she let Mai do all the empathy work. 

They were currently now sitting in silence, it would be time to go to bed soon seeing how Naru would certainly want them to be awake early to run some errands for him and so he would have someone to annoy when he felt bored. So with another sigh they called it a night and got ready for bed. They were sharing a room this time just in case something came to give them a scare or kill them. They wouldn't be alone.


It hurts. 

It hurts. Mummy, make it stop.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts, Mummy why won't it stop?

The pain came from everywhere a once, both cold and hot. The air around her seemed to suffocate her, none of it entering her lungs.  

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

And then it stopped.

She opened her eyes and looked around. She was still in her room, it looked funny. Everything around her looked funny, fuzzy like when the tv broke and her father had to fix it. 

Mummy, where are you?

She ran through the doors and down the stairs, all the way to the living room. 


She ran to her mother and started jumping up and down. She wanted to show her she was better. 

Mummy, don't cry. Look I'm all better. It doesn't hurt. Mummy! Mummy? Mummy, why won't you look at me? Mummy are you angry, I'm sorry! Please, please look at me.

And suddenly everything started to get dark. Her mother disappeared, she was alone again. 

But something was calling her. 

"Mothers here, come here, come here come herecomeherecomeherecomehere COME HERE!"

Black long hair and pale thin arms.

This wasn't her mother. But... was the other lady her mother? What did her mother look like? Did she even call her mother, Mummy? Her hand went to her locket. No she used to call her  .̷̢͖̥̘̲̱͌͜.̴͕̻̭͙̈͊̐̇͝.̵͇̗̮̝̜͂̅͛̽͝.̵̯̬̖̭͆ͅ.̶̨͇͈̻̗̻͓͆̈́̅͛.̸̨̨͍̖̯̜͕͎̀̃̏ͅ.̶͈̦̦̞̈̅́̀̀͘.̸̙̦̼̞̬̼͍̲̀̽̊̊̿.̵̧͕̣͇̝̜̰̔̋̾͂́. The locket wasn't there.

Nikita opened her eyes.


She shot up only a few second before she heard Mai scream "Naru!"

Nikita must have been more out of it than she thought, because she didn't even tease Mai for it. Instead she turned to her with wide eyes.

"Mai, I think children have been dying in this house. Ayami's in danger." As soon as those words left her lips, Mai went from being embarrassed to deathly pale. 

"Did you see him too?" Mai asked looking worried, her eyes darting across her face as if she'd find the answer there. 

"What? No I don- what do you mean did you see him. Were you not dreaming about just Naru?" Nikita interrupted herself. Perhaps she wasn't the only one. Maybe she wasn't going crazy.

Mai's face flushed yet she had a determined look on her face. "I had a dream, Naru was in it, and he said the exact same thing as you. 'Ayami is in danger.' "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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