Chapter 8

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Nikita stopped fighting against whoever was holding her back and kneeled down. Looking at the blood running down her hand, Nikita wondered how injured Hara-san would be after falling off the second floor. I came here to warn them about the windows breaking. I didn't come to attempt to save someone from falling out of a building. Neither did I come to add another incident to the long list of things bugging my conscience and keeping me up at night.

For the first time Nikita turned to look at the person who stopped her from throwing herself off the building as a futile attempt of saving someone. It was in fact the angel she had been looking for moments before. "So this was where you were." She muttered under her breath. "Well thanks for stopping me from diving of the building, at least I don't have to pay for my hospital bills now."

John paused for a second before giving her a worried smile. "You're hurt."

"I know"

"It's bleeding a lot."

"I know."

"You should get that checked, you don't want to get an infection."

"...I know..."

"I also found your bag on the way up, were you planning on going somewhere?"

Oh my bag probably has some plasters, or bandages if its worse than it looks and the antiseptic spray should be good enough till i get ho- WORK! I'M LATE!

"I should get going now. I only came to tell you about the umm window issue. Ciao." She said as she stumbled around trying to figure out how in the world he managed to get up here.


She did in fact get to her part time job on time and luckily she managed to get through the day without bleeding to death. Now she was back at home, staring at her hand.

It wasn't even that bad. The cut wasn't too deep and was only about an inch wide. That didn't explain why blood was flowing out of her palm like a waterfall. It didn't even hurt!

The second she was finished rewrapping her hand to ensure that she didn't bleed to death, then went to bed. Or at least tried to sleep.


The next morning she rolled out of bed with as much grace as a donkey on ice and made her way to the bathroom. I actually slept well, that's a pleasant surprise, no guilty conscience keeping me up and no dreams waking me up. Lovely.

Once she finished up with her shower she went to the kitchen to make some tea for herself.

I never got to enjoy my tea yesterday, but it doesn't matter today I will enjoy it in peace.

There was no milk,


"All i want is tea. That's all I ask for, not any random visions of people falling out of buildings or getting hit by cars. Not the horrors of not having tea bags or milk when i need it most. Only tea, is that too much to ask!" She muttered under her breath in her mother tongue earning looks from those walking by.

"Senpai!" Now who could that be? It's too early child, please go screaming somewhere else. Although that voice does sound familiar. She spared glance at the girl shouting her lungs out. Oh, I think she's talking to me,

Nikita paused to let Mai catch up to her. "It's too early to be shouting you know."

"Is your hand fine, John said that it was bleeding a lot." She said slightly out of breath.

"I'm fine, it's not even that bad." Nikita dismissed.

"Is that why you wrapped it like a mummy?" Nikita looked down at the girl walking beside her. She was wearing a cheeky grin, seemingly proud that she had come up with some sort of witty reply.

"Well that's because I'm not adept at wrapping my hand up with only my left. Anyway, what happened to Hara-san?" Nikita asked trying to avert the girl's attention away from her poorly wrapped hand.

"She only has a mild concussion and a sprained ankle, but after you left John did and exorcism and the roof came down. Are you sure that there's nothing there?"

"Why are your asking me, I'm not a reliable source of information or anything."

"But you knew about the glass shattering."

"That was just a hunch. And you know you have to take into account that this is an old building that needs to be knocked down. It could be sinking for all we know due to the soil underneath it being in a semi-liquid state. That would explain the sounds, glass shattering and parts of the building collapsing. There could even be a dried up aquifer under the foundations for all we know..." Without Nikita even realising it, Mai had led her away from the shops and right up to the old school building and she couldn't even be mad at her while she was grinning at Nikita proudly, before going to wake up the narcissist who was lying in the van asleep.

Does he think that this is some sort of safe haven where you can just sleep with all this expensive equipment ou-

Glass shattering. Screams.

"Great, another day of trying to persuade people to get out of collapsing buildings when it is none of my business and doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form, while trying not to seem like a lunatic in a group of humans playing ghost busters in a building about to collapse on them at any given time." She muttered to herself, noticeably sounding a little hysterical. "Really makes a exciting day."

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