Chapter 7

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I know I followed her out because of a gut feeling, but that doesn't mean I'm asking for that feeling to mean something. What am I going to do when the floor decides to fall under her? Catch her? Might as well join her on her fall.

Or I could ask her not to stand near the wall.

"Hey, I don't think its a good idea to sta-" Like always, Nikita was interrupted by the noise of the floor beneath them giving way. Fortunately for her, the floor she was standing on seemed stable enough. However, the floor that the medium was standing under crumbled beneath her feet and she started to fall with a cry as she realised what was happening.

Muttering what seemed to be somewhere between a prayer and a curse, she dived to grab anything that would stop the girl from falling. Luckily for them both it was her hand. Nikita winced hoping that the sudden lurch upwards didn't dislocate the medium's arm, she doubted that she would be held responsible, but it was always good to be on the safe side.

Once she was sure that she had an acceptable grip on Hara-san's hand and most importantly the wood she was precariously hanging half her body off of, Nikita shouted for help.

I don't mean to be rude or anything but holding someone off the side of a building while gravity does its job isn't easy.

Nikita would have tried hauling the girl back up, but she hadn't caught her in a comfortable position, seeing how it had been a random dive off where she had been standing. In fact she had been lucky that she hadn't flown right off the side of the building. Another lovely factor was that her hand was already dangerously close to a sharp piece of wood that was obnoxiously jutting out of the broken floor.

"Oh for the love of all that's good and holy! We've got someone hanging off a collapsing building here! Drop your god forsaken ghost buster equipment and help us!" Nikita screeched once her arm started aching. "It's not like you're going to find anything here anyway." She muttered a little quieter in fear that the little narcissist might decide to just let her hang there for his amusement.

Nikita looked down at the medium after realising that she had gone silent. She was squeezing her eyes shut and had gone as pale as a sheet of paper.


Looking towards the source of the commotion Nikita saw Monk-san running over. She squinted her eyes trying to see of anyone else would be coming. She didn't see anyone, not even a glimpse of John's vibrant blond hair.

"eek" She looked down and saw her hand covered in blood and dripping down on to the mediums already pale looking face. Other than that surprising sight she realised with horror that her grip was loosening as her hands were becoming slick with blood

"Oh hurry up! PUT YOUR BACK INTO IT OLD MAN!" Ignoring the comedic relief she somehow brought to the disastrous situation, blood seemed to just keep flowing out of the wound on her arm. She could no longer see the source, but that was the least of her problems. She couldn't hold one longer. 

Nikita was about to reach further to grab hold of anything she could, this time probably dislocating at least one of their shoulders, but as their fingers brushed Nikita was pulled back...

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