Chapter 2

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"So why are you here, if you don't mind me asking. It's just that I was only forced to come to school on a Saturday morning to take someone to the old building." She asked growing more irritated by the second. "This stupid old man is making me waste precious sleep time! He doesn't even tell me what I'm supposed to do. Is he even allowed to make students do errands on weekends?" (This is in her mother tongue)

"The principal believes that the old school building maybe be haunted, therefore asked for an exorcist."

"Haunted? Why would that place be haunted? Isn't it just a little old? Wait, exorcist! That's quite an accomplishment, you look so young!" She whispered the last part unsuccessfully to herself.

"I'm actually older than I look, mate, 19 in fact."

"Either way it's an accomplishment." She paused as they had arrived at the old building and there seemed to be more people than when she had passed by earlier. "Hello?"

"What are you doing here. It's not safe for kids to be playing around here." A brown haired man announced ignoring the red head beside him, who had been shooting quite the glare at him. Nikita did not want to know what he did to deserve that. Honestly, I would rather be in bed till noon on my free days, but no one gets everything they want in life.

Nikita took her hood off trying to make a an attempt to come across as polite, but instead the three in front of her froze. "F-foreigners..." the girl from earlier squeaked. Don't look at me like I'm some sort of exotic creature! You've seen me before, and didn't you notice while my hood was on?

"I was told by the old man to take some people to this place. That's all, and I'll be on my wa-" Her eyes travelled to the boy in black, standing the furthest away from where she stood. The boy, a car, a lake, laboured breaths and excruciating pain. Help me, please. It hurts. The air felt like it was knocked out of her as she barely stopped her self from doubling over. Two names echoed in her mind and they didn't ring any bells. Well that's new, never felt pain before and what the hell are Noll and Gene supposed to mean? She thought, looking back up at her audience who were giving her strange looks. However, what caught her eye was the almost pained expression on the boy clad in black, but it quickly returned to normal.

"Are you okay?" She turned away from him and back towards the shelf girl from before.

"Oh, I'm fine why do you ask?" She answered with a false sense of nonchalance. Maybe because you look constipated Nikita. Really why do you even bother asking such questions?

"You just suddenly went pale and started muttering..." Well who said first impressions were important. Definitely not me...

"Just got distracted, and lack of sleep does things to people."

"Well I am quite a sight." Nikita doubled back. Her eyes shooting towards the boy in black in utter disbelief. Narcissist. She thought causing her to sigh.

"Yes, quite the looker aren't you, kid." Please, I only got distracted by the the fact I saw someone get hit by a car twice then thrown into a lake, all while trying not to break down crying because it feels like I just got hit by a double decker bus and lorry all at the same time. 

They all stared at her dumbfounded. "Well I best be going, I've done what I was told to do. I wont keep you from..." She glanced around at the equipment behind them. "Whatever it is that you're doing. Wouldn't want to waste anymore daylight." She said with an awkward chuckle, her body already in the process of turning back the way she came and away from the crazies. 

"I hate to break it to you, but I recall being told to inform you that you have to stay till he returns." The Narcissist said, with an infuriatingly smug look on his face. She had only just met this guy but she already wanted to softly punch him in the face. 

"Just because someone owes you, doesn't give you the rights to be a slave driver! You stupid old fox!" She stopped muttering under her breath before forcing a smile. "Well then I guess I have to introduce myself. My name is Nikita, I'd rather be called by my given name so umm?" She turned and looked at John not sure whether she was supposed to introduce him or not. 

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