Chapter 6

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"No need to worry? You didn't properly eliminate the spirits. The school principal got hurt because of you." The girl with braids said. Hey hey, at least sound a little remorseful while saying it...

Everyone seemed to have bought her explanation that she'd seen the glass cracking as she walked past as reasonable and didn't give her grief for her decision to run in. In fact they moved away from it quite quickly and instead went back to their favourite hobby of arguing. Again. 

"That was an accident." Hara-san said. An accident... For some reason, the situation seemed familiar. Not because she knew it was going to happen, but because she had seen something like this before. It must have been in class.

"But I know I got rid of all of them." Miko-san insisted. There was nothing to get rid of but who cares about the little details.

"I'm not saying that you weren't successful at exorcising them. There weren't any to begin with."

"I wonder if it could be a coincidence." John pondered.

"Could it be that there is a ghost that is too strong for Miko-san to get rid of."

"Then there should be something caught in the cameras."

As the narcissist said that, Nikita made her way slowly towards the monitors along with Mai.

The situation seemed dauntingly similar, but the frustrating part was that she could put her finger on it.

"Huh?" Nikita broke away from her thoughts as the narcissist came over after being alerted by Mai. When they replayed the footage. A chair started to move. I guess they set that up before I came, or after I left. 

The reason this is so similar is because I have seen a ghost without knowing it, or my memory is so bad that I'm going to remember once this is all over.

"What's happening?"

"It's a poltergeist, I believe the word means loud spirits. They make objects move and make noise." Well at least miss pigtails over here has some knowledge to back up her claims. "Isn't that right, Shibuya-san?" Oh is that his name? I guess I don't have to keep calling him 'dude in black' or 'narcissist'.

"That's absolutely correct, but I don't think it was a poltergeist. Objects movers by a poltergeist feel warm. However, it doesn't seem like the chair has gone up in temperature. But is there any other evidence that this could be a poltergeist?"

"Tezanne. E.Tezanne, he was a French police officer that classified poltergeist. Explosions, opening or closed doors noises, knocks. A total of nine categories." What am i doing right now? Getting a lesson on the history of poltergeists and other phenomena?  "The things that have happened here so far are: doors closing and looking by itself, a moving object even if we were to include the broken glass that would give us only three categories." Actually you would only have two but narci- Shibuya-san here is holding that piece of evidence hostage and is probably going to do a grand reveal and make it seem like he found it. As if he could hear her thoughts the latter turned and gave her what seem to be a short glare, but she couldn't exactly tell seeing how not even a single facial muscle moved. Calm down there, I barely even come up with an excuse for knowing about the glass, does it look like I'm about to announce that I also knew what caused the door to shut?  "I think we lack enough evidence to assume its a poltergeist." John finished off.

"Well what about when Koruda-san got attacked." Mai said surprising the others. Well who knows if that's even true. Nikita paused as she saw the Narcissist glare at Mai. Did he not know or is this another, 'I wanted to announce it,' glare? 

"So what now?"

"Ah what do you think Masako-san?" Following the flow of the conversation Nikita's eyes drifted to the person addresses. She looked worried. Not because she was afraid of the ghosts, but more because of the fact that she might be wrong.

"I say she's just paranoid." 

"Why don't you admit it now!? There are evil spirits here!" Calm down young one. You're going to go bald before you hit your twenties.

"I'm going to check inside now." Masako-san continued with a supposedly calm voice.

"Why won't you admit that you made a mistake!" Pigtails continued to shout, however she was ignored.

"There are no spirits in this building." As Nikita watched her go through the door. She felt a shiver run down her spine. She wasn't sure what, but something felt like it was going to happen.

"I don't think we should split up in a building that could collapse at anytime. I'll come with you." Nikita said as she followed behind Masako-san who didn't reply to her. Maybe she could find the perfect time to make her exit some time around now.

Once they were out of earshot of those who were still in the room, Masako-san turned to her. "There aren't any spirits here. There is not need to follow behind me."

"I know that. Like I said before and have been saying. This is an old building, made of wood."

Wood falling. A scream. Someone falling. Ambulance.

For the love of anything out there, can't I ever just catch a break!

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