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These broken glass in the room shattered around show's exactly how broken I'm right now.
This was the last thing that I had of maa.

But rather than that what is making me more miserable is the fact that the breaker of this thing is the one I trusted the most towards it.

How can he do that?
How can he break it willingly just because of something stupid as me being reckless?
I know he has changed but this is not right.
This , what he did to me is definitely not right.

He can't just ca--


My eyes open at the same spot I was sitting. Near the bed lingering on the bed. All the tears from last night were dried on my face and my feets were covered in dry blood from last night.

I didn't pay attention at that time when I ran to Viraj to stop him from breaking the piece when all the shattered glass on the floor that time stucked on my feet.

I look around the room when suddenly the door opened and Maya walked in looking all sympathetic towards me.

She looked at me and then looked at the room.

"Aunt called you downstairs." she said not meeting my eyes. I don't know what she was feeling. But the one thing which was clear was that she is sorry for me. But can't say it.

"Get ready and come down. " she said as she immediately stormed out of the room.

I couldn't stop anymore as immedietly tears started to roll down from my eyes.  This is miserable , I'm  miserable.

But I can't waste my time anymore , lost in my mind. I stood and walked toward the bathroom.

It took me half and hour to finally get ready so I just got real and then left the room.

I walked downstairs as every one were sitting in the living room sipping their cup of teas. As I was walking down in my traditional Indian attire that was a plain tell Saree with a designer black embroidery blouse. With a nude make up. And loose hair.

I flinched at every step I took the bruise from last night were hurting me badly and the worst part of it that I couldn't do anything about it.  I don't even have permission to cry over that. That I was hurting.

I reached downstairs and did an Indian ritual that every Indian daughter-in-law has to do. Touch everyones feet and asked them from blessing. But why I do it is just so pointless because I'm sure non of them would actually give me any blessing or well wished they all hate me for an unknown reason. All this happened because of something between three of us but why they hate me so much is something I don't understand.

I touched every single feet in the room and ay last the only thing that was remaing there was Viraj.  I flinched as I reached towards him. He was just calmly looking at his phone screen.

There were hundred of feelings and words going in me which I new can't bust. Not after what happened last night.  I busted and he broke the only thing I had of my mother. He just broke it up like nothing.  I can't afford to anger him again. Because he knows exactly that how many things and what things there are that can hurt me too my core. 

I just stood beside him like every other women their did.  No matter how much I wanted to run away from there.

Later everyone went in the dinning area. They are just ignored me like ij didn't existed and somehow I was pleased by it.

We all sat at the breakfast table as the women's of the house served the food at the table I did it along with then.

It was calm and peaceful it felt like a little relieved. That no one was yelling,  crying or laughing. Just plain.

I just moved from my spot and went to sat when suddenly the viraj threw his plate away. All of the film members stood in astonishment as well as I. Viraj looked at the food and then me. A small horror ran down  me as I looked at him.
"Who Made the food?" he looked at me as he spoke. No one replied from the corner of my eye I noticed that every one shrunken looking at him angry. They must really fear him. 

"WHO MADE THE FOOD ?" He yelled louder this time. Every one flinched as his mother spoke.
"The maids. " She said as viraj eyes widen.

He walked towards me as he immedietly grabbed me by my neck.

"What the hell were you doing then" he said dagering me by his eyes. As fear ran in every cell in me.

"Don't you people know I don't eat food made my maids " He said to everyone for a second looking away from me.

"Yeah we know but don't you think it's now time that we should leave our duties in the hands of your wife." his mother said.

"It was her fault shouldn't she just woke up early and make breakfast for you." his mother said as he again looked at me still holding me by my neck.

For a moment I was offended how was I suppose to know anything if anyone won't tell me. How was I suppose to know. If I should cook his meals or not. Just immediately blaming me was wrong but as I stared in his eyes I realised that I don't even have the right to get offended.  I gave myself to him.

I was his slave.


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