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"Bro you need lust not love " Jatin muttered as everyone  laughed. 

"True!" sarfaras said as everyone laughed at Sagar.  

But then Sagar rolled his eyes as his eyes lingered on seducy. Ever since  Viraj , even I call her seducy.

But she was lost in her food so much that she didn't give damn about the conversation in the room.

He likes her and that thing shows clearly from his face.

"No matter how much you crave lust it's worthless if love dosent exists in it" he said as everyone  started to boo... Him.

"Is he the same Sagar who was ready for having sex every girl "  Jatin said as Viraj  laughed.

"True! " Sarfaras again said still gulping down his food.

"Is there anything else you can say expect for true" finally seducy spoke when everyone laughed on Sarfaras.

And Sagar giggled as I giggled along by looking at him. Viraj was sitting beside me his one hand on my thighs while he ate with the other.

He kept rubbing it. As I scouted because of the discomfort raising in me. His way getting more and more complicated. I then shooked his hands away when he stared at me in disbelief.  I shook my head to make him know that I was uncomfortable.

So he himself took his hands away and started to scroll on his phone with that hand. 

He doesn't  seems upset though. He was neutral.

And then I again get my mind in the conversation on the table.

"Guys let's go to club tonight" Sagar suggested as I put attention to hear others replies.

"No " "yes" "yes" "yesss!!! " "no" "of course yessa's!!! " and then the eyes landed on me. And Viraj.

"Me too yes! " I said as we all looked at Viraj , who was smiling while chatting on mobile. 

"Viraj let's go to club " I said as he stood from seat.

"Yeah whatever " he said as he started to walk away.

"Bye guys text me the time and place" I said as I too stood from the seat and ran beside Viraj.

"Who is it? " I asked him as I looked at him and then on my phone.

"Why?  Are you doubting on me?  What do you think  it's some other girl" He snapped at a simple question as I frowned on his strange behavior.

"I just asked " I said still frowning and shrugging.

"Why? " he said with irritation on his face. He is acting strange. Is it because what happened at the table.

"Is this about what happened at the table. Look I -" I was cut by him before I could  explain.

"I just kept hand and you shooked it away,  we weren't even in public  you were sitting at the corner and everybody on the table were just friends!!!" he yelled irritation filling in his face his body too gesturing in the same manner.

"I was uncomfortable " I said gritting my teeth suppressing my frustration at his strange behavior.

"Why?  You can kiss me in public,  I can't even keep hand on you? " he said raising his eyebrow benting his head looking like a psycho right now.

"That was just a one time thing that didn't mean I'm easy or your whore! " I said to him really frustrated on him.
"And your hands were riding inappropriately " I frustrated yelled back at him.

ALIGNED HIS. (IMMERGED HIS BOOK SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now