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"Hey!! Calm down" she spoke for my angry respond.

"Calm. My foot" but this was getting on my nerves.

"I know you are angry but didn't you see,  I tried not to get you into this"

I chuckled at this. "Then why the hell you kiss me of all people "

She became silent on this as she averted her gaze at the side. She was blushing.  And somewhat my mind wanted to play this. She was looking so beautiful. All my anger was flushed in toilet now.

"And you just pulled me in a musuc room alone and dark. Between a lecture.  You know don't you that this room is sound proof." I played with her. She immediately looked at me. With shock expression on her face.

She saw something deep in my eyes and again averted her gaze .

"Because I know you won't do anything to me" she said a little nervously. But pretending to be tough.

My lips smiled at her adorable behaviour as I wanted to play more now.

"Uh huh why do you think that?" I asked moving closer and closer to her as she walked back and back.

After a few steps she fumbled meeting the piano and was about to fall as I holded her so close to me. Our body enterwined together her face so close to me. As I explored every little expression of her.  That made me smile. But before I could think of anything.

She landed her lips on mine. My eyes widen in her boldness. But then I couldn't resist myself as I continued her gesture. As my lips danced with her lips. Her body all over me. As I felt every little part of her. To get in to more heat I made her sit on the piano holding her by her waist. She sat as the piano made a huge sound. As both of us stopped and wondered if anyone heard it.

We were sitting in shock. And than looked at each other but than chuckled together at our stupidity.

But than suddenly a silence ran in the room after she came down of the piano.

I tried to lessen the awkwardness as I tried to joke a little.
"Hey did I just got raped?"

"Hey it was you who came closer to me first." she said pointer her finger at me.

"Than do you kiss anybody who comess closer to you "  I asked playfully.

"Ofcourse not " She yelled it loudly. In hurry  before I misprint. But that rather clicked a different spot for me.

"Uhh than was I special? "I asked trying to seek something from her expression. But she walked away from me to the other side trying to play the off keyboard.

"Do you want to be special?" she asked me playing something in the keyboards. But even from her back I can say that she was smiling.

"Did you just asked me out? "  I asked in shock.

She didn't gave any reply. She did asked me out.

"You didn't asked me if I had girlfriend or crush? " I said this time rather acting serious.

And it worked as she immediately turned herself looking at me in dark. With a very serious face that I can make out in the darkness.

"Do you? " in shock she asked.

"Which one you are asking for? "  I asked her.

"Both" she said in a very slow tone. Maybe she was dissapointed.

"I don't have a girlfriend but yeah I do have a crush on someone. " I again said acting serious.

But suddenly the room fell in silence as I was waiting for her response. But than suddenly she picked my bag which was near her foot.

And threw it on my face "Than congratulations" she said as she left the room in hurry. I was shocked. I was just playing. But than I chuckled at this. She is so perfect.


I looked for her everywhere in the campus but couldn't found her. I didn't even met her in any other lectures.  I was very upset at the end of the day.

I was just playing with her why couldn't she take it like one. I was so upset as I went in the hostel room.

I entered the room as I saw RV sitting on the bed. He was angry. 

He must be afterall his crush kissed me in front of entire cafe to piss him of. I wanted to laugh at this but I'll  offend him so much if I do it like that .

"I didn't though so you'll be attending your last year." I said as I entered and threw my bag on the desk.

"And I didn't thought so you'll be making out with girls when you must study to take over " he said.

I sighed at his comment. And sat at the chair of my desk facing him.

"Whats going on between you and her? " he asked being very serious.

"You know Na that she did it to piss you off? " I asked making a questioning look. To ignore his questions.

"She is not the type of girl who will go around kissing guys to piss me off" he said protecting her.

And I also know it she is not that type. She just confessed that she did it because she liked me.

"That was the first time I talked to her. " I said making him belief me. I don't want him to misprint something.

"But you guys didn't talk " he said being logical. Well yeah we didn't actually talked.

What should I do after all I like her too.

"Do you like her? " I asked him because I don't want get in his way. Because I know he is not the one who is sweet when it comes to his things.

He became silent at my questions. He must be serious. For the first time I saw him being so fragile over something.

"Yeah... In fact I'm attending the last year because of her " my heart dropped at that.  Why her of all people. But I don't have right to ask I'm the one at fault here. I'm being the third wheel.

"Than don't be bold with her she is not the one who likes the bold ones.  She likes the sweet one. " I gave him advice if this is it I won't come in middle.

"How do you know about her type? "

"Well you know I'm expert when it comes to girls.  Believe me. " I said.

Even though we don't particularly like nor hate each other. We can afford a little conversation between each other sometimes.


Here it comes.....

ALIGNED HIS. (IMMERGED HIS BOOK SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now