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Non of an act in front of her have went fine in all this time and I have continously became an asshole in front of her. 

The next day I went in class she was sitting without her earplugs as she and seducy were talking and laughing at something.

I went up to sit near seducy when before I could step on the stair seducy immediatly stood from her seat. I got a little suprised from her actions as I looked at her with wide eyes in surprise.

"We need to talk " she said crossing her arms as she passed through me. I probably knew what she wanted to say so I went behind her.

"What the hell is wrong with you!??? You don't like me , you like her?? " she yelled as soon as we were out of the door.

I sighed at her. "Why do you think I like her? " I asked her with a questioning look.

"Duh-huh because you show that you like her." she said making an obvious look pointing finger at me.

I holded her finger as put it down slowly as she sighed and started to look other side. "Well to be honest I do " I said as I kept in down. 

She looked at me immediately with a huge smile. "As in girlfriend boyfriend types? " she asked making a questioning look with so much curiosity fixed on her face.

"Yeah " I again answered her stupid and lame question.

"Than what the fuck you were talking about All this time?? " she asked with a disgusting look.

"Look the first time I was playing with her but she took it serious before I could explain and than the second time I wanted to explain to her but that time it was my mistake because even I fucking don't know what the hell was wrong with me." I said explaining it to her. She heard me so seriously like I was giving some life lesson but as soon as It got over she started to laugh like an idiot. Pointing at me. I looked at her laughing like this.

What the fuck was amusing?

"You are such an idiot." suddenly a familiar came from behind me as I immediately turned to look at her. She was standing at the door with her arms crossed. We both looked at each other.  As I could feel that even she wanted to laugh and get angry at the same time.

She came out and stood right in front of me.

" How much minute does it takes to say I like you ?" she said to me with her arms crossed.

"I like you " I said partially getting happy inside. "Two seconds I guess " I said as soon as she was about to smile.

I'm again acting like a bastard.

"The teacy is here " seducy screamed
But before we could hear further the teacher came walking in the corridor to attain the lecture.

I just don't wanted this conversation to also end incomplete. So in grabbed Meera's hand as she looked at me in surprise. But we immediately started to run.

"Hey you both!!!!" the teachers voice came from behind of us as we started to ran faster. Our hands enterwined together. Both of us giggling. We kept running as we entered the library. We looked around but seems like no one was here. Not even the librarian.

"She must be out. " Meera's voice came as she noticed me looking at the librarians desk.

Our hands still together. Our palms and head sweating from running with our breath running abnormal.

As we walked inside. "I'm sorry "I finally said the word I have never said to anyone before ever. And I'll make sure she will be the only girl in this world I'll ever kneel in front of.

She looked at me. And a sudden force came as she took me at the corner of the library. But before she could make move. I claimed her lips as mine. My hands on her cheek as her hand were lost in my hair. As both of us kissed passionately. Her lips and face were hot from our recent activity as they were sweaty. It all began softly as later got down to passionate path. My hands now was on her ass with her now on my back. My hands climes upper and upper as I lined on the shelf behind me.

We both became deeper and and deeper as we both went apart to breath a little since we both lacked it. But instead of going apart from each other I hugged her as she kept her head on my chest and I rested mine on her head. But as soon as our hearts rhythms became normal she again came up and started to kiss me as I too did it. But this time it all started roughly. My hands went up to unhook her bra and I did it as I hugged her more tightly and she giggled.

Damn this is unbelievable.

I broke the kiss as I looked at her eyes and she probably nodded is what I hallucinated perhaps. And I slipped my hands inside her top as I removed her bra from her white transperent top. And threw it down. And she came forcefully on me as the books behind me fell abruptly down on my head as I covered hers with mine.

But then we realised that librarian sir was already now walking this side. As his foots sound echoes in the library. I was so shocked as I distant Meera from me but she fumbled and fell down. When the sir was now in my sight as I immediately picked the bra down and put it in my back pocket. But then I realised that Meera was practically naked right now.

"What the hell of of you are doing here? " he yelled as he came closer.
"You down. Stand right now " He yelled as he stood. With his specks.

"STAND!!! " He yelled again when Meera didn't stood. But then I walked and came in front of her as I should thier covering her.

She immediately stood. "What are you doing?" the sir asked me. As I stand thier covering her.

"You- you don't hide your face." He yelled at Meera. But she was smart as she was took the bra from my back pocket immediately as she stood and pivoted to wear it.

"I said look at front "  He said as she already came out wearing it.

"What were you both doing? "

"Isnt that obvious sir " She said as I was just astonished by her actions.

"You both in principals office!!!! "


Hey readers

From next chapter the present will again start.

So thank you so much for keeping patient until now.


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