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*Note *
Dear readers,
This chapter contains some sexual scenes so I hope for you to ignore if you are uncomfortable with such contents. And to be precise it's not so detailed so you can still carry on.
And also the readers under 16. I truly hope for you to ignore this chapter. And I promise it doesn't affect the story line.

Only 16+ are allowed to read this chapter.



We stopped out of an unfamiliar building as I looked up at it.  I was so confused right now. Aren't we suppose to headed for his house. Why are we here instead of their. And what is this place why did he bought me here?

"What is this place? " I asked as I looked at the tall building.

"Our home."

"What???!!!!! " I screamed at him as I looked at him. In shock. He is the family type of person who will never leave his own home.  And has high concerns for family. Why did he meant.

"What do you mean? Weren't we heading home right now " I said forgetting the fact that I was angry. But was much more confused right now.

"Since you aren't stable enough for looking out the rules set their and stuffs that are constantly happens their I thought you should be in peace" he said as I was shocked but his been caring way to much for me lately. And then all the anger in me flushed in vain. Because realisation hit me that if I'm gonna stay here then I don't have to face Ranvijay. And relief took over my tense nerves.

"Thanks" I said to him as I turned and scouted to come out when the guard opened the door for me.


wanted to get of the car as Viraj came and stood right in front of me. "Let me " he said as he again scooped me in his arms. While made sure that my plastered leg doesn't gets hurt.  And started to walk inside the building as there weren't people in the living room.

I am furious about what he is hiding but I was right now my heart wanted to feel and be at peace. With no fights and anger.  No fury and awful glances.

But rather those smiles of his and those beautiful glittery eyes of his.

Will it be selfish and pathetic of me if I for once forget all the bad times and just enjoy the moment?

Can I?

He walked in as he went on the elevator.  But then the elevator men walked out after pressing the last floor button as Viraj glanced at him.

He wanted to go alone.

"Who else are gonna live here? " I asked him trying to end the awkwardness in such a position.

"No one just me and you and yes a servant who will come and go on time" he said looking straight.

"What about some care taker or helper for me? I need someone since I want do things on my own yet." I asked getting confused.

"I'm gonna do it " he said as my eyes widen at his response. What?? "I'm gonna take few days off and be with you 24/7" he said as different kind of things raised in me.

"Why? " I asked him confused." I can ask Bhabhi if you wa-"

"Do you think I'm lacking money? " he asked as I looked up at him. I know it's not that. "I just want to be with you" he said as my eyes widen more. And I felt my face heating.

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