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I stood looking at my feets his mother in front of me.

"What a little bitch! Just ruined my happy smiling family " she spoke on my face.

I went to others as I touched there feets. Then Viraj's maybe younger sister came to me smiling and took me by my hand as she took me the way ahead.

I started to walk with her. Viraj disappeared after the aarti. I wasn't expecting him to wait for me. But just because I only know him in these people it's little comforting to know he is here.

I walked in silence in the room in the first floor. She opened the door of the room as I walked in it. It was a simple room with bed in the middle bedside table on both the sides with dressing table on the left side wall of the door and walk-in closet.

I looked around the room as I stepped in with the girl.

"This is your room bhabhi" she finally spoke breaking the silence.

"Thank you..?" I asked twitching my eyebrows.

" Ah I'm Maya , I'm not Viraj Bhaiya's sister I'm Ranvijay bhai's"
I was shocked my this information as it became harder for me to grasp.

"Don't worry he didn't send me here " she said shaking his hands and then smiled at me.

" I'm not like him you can trust me" she said with the same face.

She was looking really nice and I couldn't help but trust her because she is the only warmth I can feel in this house. And I smiled back at her.

" You See I'm Rv Bhai's sister but I really love Viraj bhai. He might seem cold but honestly he is really sweet." she said clarifying his evil brother.

I wanted to disagree but I didn't wanted to loose the only person with me for now so I looked down at my feet nor admitting not disagreeing.

" Well you must be tired by such a long journey go and fresh an up and change in comfy because woman's around are going to come for seeing you. K? " she asked as she left the room leaving me alone.

" Btw later we will set your stuff up for now wear the cloths in the closet. Ba-bye" she said and finally left.

It took me a moment to look around as I walked towards the closet door. I opened it as I saw bathroom was attached with the closet. There were many Sarees in the closet with set of many jewelry in it lasted with each Saree. As well as matching shoes at the lower cabinet.

For a moment it felt like I wasn't forced here but rather invited well.
The arrangement I saw out me in confusion that why would they did so much if they didn't like me.

Getting out my thoughts I chose the the first set in front of me as I walked in to change.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was not looking like myself the me back then. The knock in the door got me out of my thoughts as I saw towards the door.

It was Maya all ready too.

"Hey let's get downstairs!" she said as we moved towards the door and got out.

As I walked I'm from the last stairs I saw mother , aunt , sister in law as well as him.

As I looked at him his eyes widen his surprise. He immediately stood as he threw the glass of water on the ground the room fell in horror as the glass scattered right in front of my feets.

I hitched in surprise as the sense of fear rose in me I saw the scattered glass in horror filled in me. My breath started to move in abnormal rythm as I again saw him in utter confusion.

"How dare you wore those clothes " he said greeting his teeths as he moved towards me over the broken glass my eyes widen in surprise as it immediately moved towards Maya who was now shivering with fear.

"I-I-was -wa" I stuttered as I looked at Maya last time and could help but lie.

"I'm sorry those were hanging and I didn't had my stuff so I-I " Before I could complete I was hit on my cheeks by a slap. I looked up as I saw mother standing with her hand again to raised to slap me.

"I-I I'm sorry" I said tears slipping down from my eyes.

Suddenly Viraj's hard hands gripped my both arms tightly as I saw them in pain. It was hurting. So much. Tears were continuously slidding from me.

"Those were meant for you when you were meant for me but now you fucking don't deserve them. " he said with fury filled in his eyes.

" Do you understand ?"

"Vi-Viraj it's hurting....... please.....please..... Please " I said in pain and cry.

He didn't left me as his grip tightened more. I gasped at the pain. And cry more as the tears kept falling.

"It must" he said as I looked broken and hurt. The pain was being unbearable as from pain my hands below his grip went numb as I couldn't feel anything. And the arm above the grip were gone all red by the blood it seemed life if he won't leave then the nerves world bust Now.

But he left them as I fell on the ground with my hands beating in suddenly.

He left as I was thrown down.

"Bhai.....Bhai....it it was me who gave her those clothes " finally Maya spoke as his steps halted. He twisted to look at Maya as mothers yelled loudly on her.
She shrunk at her brothers gaze and mother's yelling.

"No she is lieing I wore them by my own wish" I spoke standing immediately before they would do anything to her.

"No I did " she again started admitting but before I could say or do. Aunt came and slapped her daughter furiously.
Everyone gasping in surprise..

"That's good not even a day and she started to make fight in our house " mother spoke blaming me for everything.


Hey readers love me and hey peace comment so I know that even one person is sincerely reading this book.

So I would try harder to write.




And hey

Don't forget to comment me what do you think of Viraj so far

Byeeee.. ....




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