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Once again I was sitting in Viraj's car with him. And  two other cars were behind us. With Viraj's right hand man Kaushik and left hand man Atharwa.  About whom I recently got knowledge of.

The car was embraced in silence and unwantedly I was missing Viraj's brother Sagar this time.  Because at least it wasn't awkward like this last time.

As Viraj said I shifted in his room last night. And he agreed on me visiting brother. As he made me sign some documents which I didn't read in hurry to meet brother. Whatever it is it doesn't matter as far as I'll see him.

Even though it's been just 3 days. I feel like decade has passed.  Him , kshitij and Bhabhi.  I never lived without them for an hour before not even when I use to work. I use to come and go or keep talking to them on phone.  It always felt that I was in their embrace. But now I feel lost.  With no sense of direction.

After what happens last time I have decided that I will now never kffend Viraj again. I can bear the thought of my close ones being hurt.  I'll endure whatever comes further.


The hospital was 3 hours away and it's just been 2 hours now.  My mind is full of unwanted thoughts of what he might or might not do.

Some things that came on my head were nerve wracking and some where horrifying.

I looked at Viraj as he was working on his phone. In middle be also had some calls. He was busy but still he decided not to let me go alone. But he tagged along with me.

I averted my eyes from him as I looked at my phones wallpaper in which kshitij and brothers image. They were smiling. As my face also turned into a huge grin. But before I could shook my thoughts away Viraj snatched my phone away from me as he asked me for password.

I hesitated but not that I could do something so I just told him. Then he did something in my phone and than handed me back. As I looked at the screen his photo was now the wallpaper.

"You are not allowed to smile looking at some other person than me" he said as I looked at him and he twitched his eyebrow with a smirk sticked on his face.


We were finally at the hospital and were going up in the elevator.
Me Viraj and his both men. I was nervous to look at my own brother. Of what he will ask and what would I say. I have never know lied to them ever but now I must lie. I just don't know how.

The elevator opened as we came on the floor with only emergency patients. My heart sank after seeing the red light write as emergency room. And I felt like my posture has probably turned in to an old lady but I felt Viraj's hand on back as suddenly his lips were near my ears his breath hitting me.

"Maintain yourself. You here as my wife not as his sister" he murmured in my ears as I again stood straight and tall his hands still on my back.

The rooms door opened as I and Viraj with his men entered.  This many weren't allow to come in but nothing can stop them. The owner of half the business empires in entire state is them.

I saw another lying on the bed with wires here and their attached to him. Still he was sober and luckily he wasn't much injured in the accident. I went and sat beside him as the presence of people made him awake.  My eyes full of tears and I was any minute ready to broke down.  But I grabbed my emotions.

His eyes opened as he saw me. The next second his eyes were full of tears and he started to cry.

"My little...."

"How...How are you my little angel?" he asked me between his sobs.

"I'm the best you know " I said trying to be myself around him so he won't know that how injured I'm from inside.

He chuckled as started to look at me with emotions. After a brief moment he finally spoke.

"Seriously Meera ."

"I'm so fine Bhaiya. I'm doing good.  "

"No I mean how are they with you?" he asked this time I looked at the three men present at the door.

His reaction was plain. He didn't show anything.

"You know bhaiya when I was going to Viraj house I talked with Sagar in the car and then when I reached Viraj's sister showed me the whole house.  And you know Viraj had a cupboard full of Sarees. "
"I'm doing fine bhaiya"

I didn't lie.

"Really? " brothers asked in astonishment.

"hmmm" i sad nodding my head with a grin.

"Ma'am the patient needs to rest."suddenly the nurse came in between.

"Okay" I said as I stood.

"Are you gonna leave now " brother asked me with hope full eyes.

"Viraj has an important meeting in the morning"

"So? "

"It's important for me to be their"

I said tried to hug him but before I could Viraj made sound from his throat as I just said bye and left. But before I could leave he asked to talk with Viraj alone.


Hey readers!!!!!

Here another chapter.....

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